
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Output Info about this m-file
fprintf(' <DSP using MATLAB> Exameple 8.17 \n\n'); time_stamp = datestr(now, 31);
[wkd1, wkd2] = weekday(today, 'long');
fprintf(' Now is %20s, and it is %8s \n\n', time_stamp, wkd2);
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Digital Filter Specifications:
wp = 0.2*pi; % digital passband freq in rad
ws = 0.3*pi; % digital stopband freq in rad
Rp = 1; % passband ripple in dB
As = 15; % stopband attenuation in dB % Analog prototype specifications: Inverse Mapping for frequencies
T = 1; Fs = 1/T; % set T = 1
OmegaP = (2/T)*tan(wp/2); % Prewarp(Cutoff) prototype passband freq
OmegaS = (2/T)*tan(ws/2); % Prewarp(cutoff) prototype stopband freq % Analog Butterworth Prototype Filter Calculation:
[cs, ds] = afd_butt(OmegaP, OmegaS, Rp, As); % Bilinear Transformation:
[b, a] = bilinear(cs, ds, T); [C, B, A] = dir2cas(b, a) % Calculation of Frequency Response:
[db, mag, pha, grd, ww] = freqz_m(b, a); %% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%% Plot
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Exameple 8.17')
M = 1; % Omega max subplot(2,2,1); plot(ww/pi, mag); axis([0, M, 0, 1.2]); grid on;
xlabel(' frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('|H|'); title('Magnitude Response');
set(gca, 'XTickMode', 'manual', 'XTick', [0, 0.2, 0.3, M]);
set(gca, 'YTickMode', 'manual', 'YTick', [0, 0.1778, 0.8913, 1]); subplot(2,2,2); plot(ww/pi, pha/pi); axis([0, M, -1.1, 1.1]); grid on;
xlabel('frequency in \pi nuits'); ylabel('radians in \pi units'); title('Phase Response');
set(gca, 'XTickMode', 'manual', 'XTick', [0, 0.2, 0.3, M]);
set(gca, 'YTickMode', 'manual', 'YTick', [-1:1:1]); subplot(2,2,3); plot(ww/pi, db); axis([0, M, -30, 10]); grid on;
xlabel('frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Decibels'); title('Magnitude in dB ');
set(gca, 'XTickMode', 'manual', 'XTick', [0, 0.2, 0.3, M]);
set(gca, 'YTickMode', 'manual', 'YTick', [-30, -15, -1, 0]); subplot(2,2,4); plot(ww/pi, grd); axis([0, M, 0, 15]); grid on;
xlabel('frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Samples'); title('Group Delay');
set(gca, 'XTickMode', 'manual', 'XTick', [0, 0.2, 0.3, M]);
set(gca, 'YTickMode', 'manual', 'YTick', [0:5:15]);



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