

1. ziplist是一种特殊编码的双向列表,特殊编码是为了节省存储空间。

2. ziplist允许同时存放字符串和整型类型,并且整型数被编码成真实的整型数而不是字符串序列(节省空间)

3. ziplist列表支持在头部和尾部进行push和pop操作的时间复杂度都在常量范围O(1),但是每次操作都涉及内存重新分配,尤其在头部操作时,会涉及大段的内存移动操作,增加了操作的复杂性。





struct ziplist<T>{
unsigned int zlbytes; // ziplist的长度字节数,包含头部、所有entry和zipend。
unsigned int zloffset; // 从ziplist的头指针到指向最后一个entry的偏移量,用于快速反向查询
unsigned short int zllength; // entry元素个数
T[] entry; // 元素值
unsigned char zlend; // ziplist结束符,值固定为0xFF
} struct entry{
char[var] prevlen; // 前面一个entry的字节长度值。
char[var] encoding; // 元素编码类型
char[] content; // 元素内容


#define ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)       (*((uint32_t*)(zl)))
#define ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) (*((uint32_t*)((zl)+sizeof(uint32_t))))
#define ZIPLIST_LENGTH(zl) (*((uint16_t*)((zl)+sizeof(uint32_t)*2)))
#define ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t)*2+sizeof(uint16_t))
#define ZIPLIST_END_SIZE (sizeof(uint8_t))
#define ZIPLIST_ENTRY_TAIL(zl) ((zl)+intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl)))
#define ZIPLIST_ENTRY_END(zl) ((zl)+intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl))-1)



/* Encode the length of the previous entry and write it to "p". Return the
* number of bytes needed to encode this length if "p" is NULL.
1. 如果len<254,prevLen占用一个字节,并写入当前entry的第一个字节。
2. 如果len>=254,prevLen占用五个字节,第一个字节固定写入254,第二个至第五个字节写入实际的长度。
static unsigned int zipPrevEncodeLength(unsigned char *p, unsigned int len) {
if (p == NULL) { // 此时只是计算len所需的存储长度
return (len < ZIP_BIGLEN) ? : sizeof(len)+;
} else {
if (len < ZIP_BIGLEN) {
p[] = len;
return ;
} else {
return +sizeof(len);
下面再来分析encoding字段,redis根据存储元素的值做不同的编码(long long类型和String类型),long long类型编码也是为了节省空间,其是在zipTryEncoding方法中进行:
/* Check if string pointed to by 'entry' can be encoded as an integer.
* Stores the integer value in 'v' and its encoding in 'encoding'.
当存储内容可以转化为long long类型时,encoding占用一个字节,其中前2位固定都是1,后面6位根据value值大小不同,具体如下:
a. OX11000000 表示content内容是int16,长度是2个字节。
b. OX11010000 表示content内容是int32,长度是4个字节。
c. OX11100000 表示content内容是int64,长度是8个字节。
d. OX11110000 表示content内容是int24,长度是3个字节。
e. OX11111110 表示content内容是int8,长度是1个字节。
f. OX11111111 表示ziplist的结束。
g. 0X1111xxxx 表示极小数,存储0-12的值,由于0000和1111都不能使用,所以它的实际值将是1至13,程序在取得这4位的值之后,还需要减去1,才能计算出正确的值,比如说,如果后4位为0001 = 1,那么程序返回的值将是1-1=0。
static int zipTryEncoding(unsigned char *entry, unsigned int entrylen, long long *v, unsigned char *encoding) {
long long value; if (entrylen >= || entrylen == ) return ;
if (string2ll((char*)entry,entrylen,&value)) {
/* Great, the string can be encoded. Check what's the smallest
* of our encoding types that can hold this value. */
if (value >= && value <= ) {
*encoding = ZIP_INT_IMM_MIN+value;
} else if (value >= INT8_MIN && value <= INT8_MAX) {
*encoding = ZIP_INT_8B;
} else if (value >= INT16_MIN && value <= INT16_MAX) {
*encoding = ZIP_INT_16B;
} else if (value >= INT24_MIN && value <= INT24_MAX) {
*encoding = ZIP_INT_24B;
} else if (value >= INT32_MIN && value <= INT32_MAX) {
*encoding = ZIP_INT_32B;
} else {
*encoding = ZIP_INT_64B;
*v = value;
return ;
return ;

上述方法定义了是否可以编码为long long类型,如果不能,则编码为String类型并赋值,编码代码在zipEncodeLength方法:

/* Encode the length 'rawlen' writing it in 'p'. If p is NULL it just returns
* the amount of bytes required to encode such a length.
本方法对encoding是String类型时,进行编码并赋值(如果entry内容可以转化为long long类型,在zipTryEncoding方法中进行编码),并根据不同长度的字符串来编码encoding的值,具体如下:
a. 0X00xxxxxx 前两位00表示最大长度为63的字符串,后面6位表示实际字符串长度,encoding占用1个字节。
b. 0X01xxxxxx xxxxxxxx 前两位01表示中等长度的字符串(大于63小于等于16383),后面14位表示实际长度,encoding占用两个字节。
c. OX10000000 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 表示特大字符串,第一个字节固定128(0X80),后面四个字节存储实际长度,encoding占用5个字节。
static unsigned int zipEncodeLength(unsigned char *p, unsigned char encoding, unsigned int rawlen) {
unsigned char len = , buf[]; if (ZIP_IS_STR(encoding)) {
/* Although encoding is given it may not be set for strings,
* so we determine it here using the raw length. */
if (rawlen <= 0x3f) {
if (!p) return len;
buf[] = ZIP_STR_06B | rawlen;
} else if (rawlen <= 0x3fff) {
len += ;
if (!p) return len;
buf[] = ZIP_STR_14B | ((rawlen >> ) & 0x3f);
buf[] = rawlen & 0xff;
} else {
len += ;
if (!p) return len;
buf[] = ZIP_STR_32B;
buf[] = (rawlen >> ) & 0xff;
buf[] = (rawlen >> ) & 0xff;
buf[] = (rawlen >> ) & 0xff;
buf[] = rawlen & 0xff;
} else {
/* Implies integer encoding, so length is always 1. */
if (!p) return len;
buf[] = encoding;
} /* Store this length at p */
return len;


1. 创建ziplist


/* Add new entry to head node of quicklist.
* Returns 0 if used existing head.
* Returns 1 if new head created.
int quicklistPushHead(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, size_t sz) {
quicklistNode *orig_head = quicklist->head;
// 如果head不为空,且空间大小满足新元素的存储要求,则新元素添加到head中,否则新加一个quicklistNode
if (likely(
_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->head, quicklist->fill, sz))) {
quicklist->head->zl =
ziplistPush(quicklist->head->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
} else {
// 创建新的quicklistNode
quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
// 把新元素添加到新建的ziplist中
node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
// 更新ziplist的长度到quicklistNode的sz字段
// 把新node添加到quicklist中,即添加到原head前面
_quicklistInsertNodeBefore(quicklist, quicklist->head, node);
return (orig_head != quicklist->head);
/* Create a new empty ziplist. */
unsigned char *ziplistNew(void) {
unsigned int bytes = ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE+;
unsigned char *zl = zmalloc(bytes);
ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl) = intrev32ifbe(bytes);
zl[bytes-] = ZIP_END;
return zl;

2. 添加entry


unsigned char *ziplistPush(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *s, unsigned int slen, int where) {
unsigned char *p;
return __ziplistInsert(zl,p,s,slen);
} /* Insert item at "p". zl中添加一个元素 */
static unsigned char *__ziplistInsert(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p, unsigned char *s, unsigned int slen) {
size_t curlen = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)), reqlen;
unsigned int prevlensize, prevlen = ;
size_t offset;
int nextdiff = ;
unsigned char encoding = ;
long long value = ; /* initialized to avoid warning. Using a value
that is easy to see if for some reason
we use it uninitialized. */
zlentry tail; /* Find out prevlen for the entry that is inserted. */
if (p[] != ZIP_END) {
ZIP_DECODE_PREVLEN(p, prevlensize, prevlen);
} else {
// 当之前的操作从尾巴删除元素时,ZIPLIST_ENTRY_TAIL指针会向前迁移,此时ptail[0] != ZIP_END
unsigned char *ptail = ZIPLIST_ENTRY_TAIL(zl);
if (ptail[] != ZIP_END) {
prevlen = zipRawEntryLength(ptail);
} /* See if the entry can be encoded */
// 检查entry的value是否可以编码为long long类型,如果可以就把值保存在value中,
// 并把所需最小字节长度保存在encoding
if (zipTryEncoding(s,slen,&value,&encoding)) {
/* 'encoding' is set to the appropriate integer encoding */
reqlen = zipIntSize(encoding);
} else {
/* 'encoding' is untouched, however zipEncodeLength will use the
* string length to figure out how to encode it. */
reqlen = slen;
/* We need space for both the length of the previous entry and
* the length of the payload. */
reqlen += zipPrevEncodeLength(NULL,prevlen);
reqlen += zipEncodeLength(NULL,encoding,slen); /* When the insert position is not equal to the tail, we need to
* make sure that the next entry can hold this entry's length in
* its prevlen field. */
nextdiff = (p[] != ZIP_END) ? zipPrevLenByteDiff(p,reqlen) : ; // reqlen是zlentry所需大小,nextdiff是待插入位置原entry中prelen与新entry中prelen所需存储空间的大小差值。
/* Store offset because a realloc may change the address of zl. */
offset = p-zl;
zl = ziplistResize(zl,curlen+reqlen+nextdiff);
p = zl+offset; /* Apply memory move when necessary and update tail offset. */
if (p[] != ZIP_END) {
/* Subtract one because of the ZIP_END bytes */
// 原数据向后移动,腾出空间写入新的zlentry
memmove(p+reqlen,p-nextdiff,curlen-offset-+nextdiff); /* Encode this entry's raw length in the next entry. */
// 新entry的长度写入下一个zlentry的prelen
zipPrevEncodeLength(p+reqlen,reqlen); /* Update offset for tail */
// 更新ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET指向原来的tail entry。
intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl))+reqlen); /* When the tail contains more than one entry, we need to take
* "nextdiff" in account as well. Otherwise, a change in the
* size of prevlen doesn't have an effect on the *tail* offset. */
zipEntry(p+reqlen, &tail);
// 如果原插入位置的entry不是最后的tail元素,需要调整ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET值(增加nextdiff)
if (p[reqlen+tail.headersize+tail.len] != ZIP_END) {
} else {
/* This element will be the new tail. */
// ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET指向新加的entry,即新加的entry是tail元素
ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) = intrev32ifbe(p-zl);
} /* When nextdiff != 0, the raw length of the next entry has changed, so
* we need to cascade the update throughout the ziplist */
if (nextdiff != ) {
// 如果nextdiff不为0,需要循环更新后续entry中的prelen,最差情况下,所有entry都需要更新一遍
offset = p-zl;
zl = __ziplistCascadeUpdate(zl,p+reqlen);
p = zl+offset;
} /* Write the entry */
// 给新加的entry赋值
p += zipPrevEncodeLength(p,prevlen);
p += zipEncodeLength(p,encoding,slen);
if (ZIP_IS_STR(encoding)) {
} else {
return zl;


3. 删除entry





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