Vandooren B, et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58:718-729






Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Mar;58(3):718-29.
abundant synovial expression of the RANK/RANKL/Osteoprotegerin system
in peripheral spondylarthritis is partially disconnected from

Vandooren B, Cantaert T, Noordenbos T, Tak PP, Baeten D.
Academic Medical Center/University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Comment in: Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Mar;58(3):641-4.

Spondylarthritis (SpA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have different
patterns of bone damage, with more pronounced bone erosions in RA. The
RANK/RANKL/osteoprotegerin (OPG) system plays a central role in bone
resorption by promoting the maturation and activation of osteoclasts. To
assess the potential role of this system in the distinct bone
phenotype, we studied the synovial expression of these mediators in SpA
and RA peripheral synovitis.

METHODS: Synovial biopsy specimens
were obtained from the actively inflamed peripheral joints of 35
patients with SpA and 19 patients with RA. Paired synovial biopsy
samples were obtained from 24 patients with SpA after tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNFalpha) blockade. Synovial tissue sections were
immunostained for RANKL, OPG, RANK, and TRAP and assessed by
semiquantitative scoring and digital image analysis.

After extensive validation of the reactivity and specificity of the
antibodies, we demonstrated the abundant expression of RANKL and OPG in
SpA synovitis. RANKL was expressed by both fibroblast-like synoviocytes
and sublining T lymphocytes. RANK-positive osteoclast precursors but no
mature TRAP-positive osteoclasts were present in the inflamed tissue.
The expression of these mediators was not different between patients
with nonpsoriatic SpA, patients with psoriatic SpA, and patients with
RA, was not related to the degree of systemic or local inflammation, and
was not significantly modulated by highly effective treatment with
TNFalpha blockers. Only the subset of patients with the best systemic
response to TNFalpha blockade had decreased RANKL expression in the
intimal lining layer.

CONCLUSION: The relative protection
against bone erosions in SpA cannot be explained by qualitative or
quantitative differences in the synovial expression of RANKL, OPG, and
RANK. The abundant expression of these factors in SpA peripheral
synovitis is largely disconnected from systemic and local inflammation.

PMID: 18311801 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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