@FeignClient(name = "gateway-test", value = "gateway-test", url = "localhost:9997", fallbackFactory = FallbackFactory.class, contextId = "GatewayClient")

name/value: 服务名称

//查看源码可知: 两个属性等价
public @interface FeignClient {
String name() default ""; @AliasFor("value")
String name() default "";
//查看源码可知: 两个属性至少要配置一个
FeignClientsRegistrar {
private String getClientName(Map<String, Object> client) {
if (client == null) {
return null;
String value = (String) client.get("contextId");
if (!StringUtils.hasText(value)) {
value = (String) client.get("value");
if (!StringUtils.hasText(value)) {
value = (String) client.get("name");
if (!StringUtils.hasText(value)) {
value = (String) client.get("serviceId");
if (StringUtils.hasText(value)) {
return value;
throw new IllegalStateException("Either 'name' or 'value' must be provided in @"
+ FeignClient.class.getSimpleName());

url: 请求地址, 没配置的话, 会把name/value的属性值当成服务名进行调用, 配置的话则使用url的值


Product服务: 服提供者, 服务名product-client, 存在一个接口/product/test, 返回"test"字符串

User服务: 调用方, 服务名user-client, 存在一个接口/user/test, 调用product服务的test接口

@FeignClient(name = "product-client", url = "localhost:9997")
public interface ProductClient { /**
* ..
* @return .
String test();
} @RequestMapping("/user")
public class UserController { @Resource
private ProductClient client; @GetMapping("/test")
public String test() {
return client.test();
//Connection refused: connect executing GET http://localhost:9997/product/test with root cause
@FeignClient(name = "product-client")
public interface ProductClient { /**
* ..
* @return .
String test();

@FeignClient(name = "product-client123")
public interface ProductClient { /**
* ..
* @return .
String test();
com.netflix.client.ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: product-client123

fallbackFactory: 获取异常信息


enabled: true //user服务添加fallback,用于在调用服务出现错误时,返回自定义信息
public class ProductClientFallback implements ProductClient{
public String test() {
return "error";
} //user服务添加fallbackFactory,用户在调用服务出现错误时,获取错误信息
public class ProductClientFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<ProductClient> {
ProductClientFallback fallback;
public ProductClient create(Throwable cause) {
System.out.println("cause.getMessage() = " + cause.getMessage());
return fallback;
} //product服务修改/product/test接口,模拟出现异常
public class ProductController {
public String test() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("test Exception");

Postman访问 http://localhost:8200/user/test ,成功返回自定义的异常信息

查看服务调用方User的日志, 成功打印出错误日志


include-message: ALWAYS

具体原因请查看 博客, 也可以通过使用@ControllerAdvice来解决

contextId: 别名

假设一个User服务有两个FeignClient,都需要调用Product服务, 因为name属性值一样,所以需要通过配置contextId来区分,否则启动项目时会报错

@FeignClient(name = "product-client", fallbackFactory = ProductClientFallbackFactory.class, contextId = "ProductClientCopy")
public interface ProductClientCopy { /**
* ..
* @return .
String test();
} @FeignClient(name = "product-client", fallbackFactory = ProductClientFallbackFactory.class, contextId = "ProductClient")
public interface ProductClient { /**
* ..
* @return .
String test();


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