# Python 实现列表与二叉树相互转换并打印二叉树封装类-详细注释+完美对齐
from binarytree import build
import random # https://www.cnblogs.com/liw66/p/12133451.html class MyBinaryTree:
lst = [] def __init__(self, lst=[]):
MyBinaryTree.lst = lst class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right def getTreeFromList(self, _list=None):
if _list is None: _list = MyBinaryTree.lst
if _list is None: return [] len_all = len(_list) # 整个列表的长度
lay = 0 # 层数
loc = 0 # 结果列表位置
lay_list = [] # 层列表
node_list = [] # 节点列表
while len_all > 0:
len_lay = pow(2, lay) # 层列表的长度,每层的长度为 2^lay,2^0、2^1、2^2、2^3、...
lay_list.append(_list[loc:(loc + len_lay)]) # 从 _list 切片得到该层的元素列表,添加到 lay_list 中
tail = len(lay_list) - 1 # lay_list 的尾节点索引
# 对 lay_list 的尾节点(每个节点元素都为列表)进行循环遍历,用列表中的每个元素构建TreeNode添加到node_list中
for j in range(len(lay_list[tail])):
# 转换层列表为:[[5], [2, 9], [10, 1, 10, 5], [0, 9, 1]]
node_list.append(MyBinaryTree.TreeNode(lay_list[tail][j])) # 将列表索引 j 元素构建TreeNode添加到node_list中 # 为上一层的父节点 TreeNode 元素添加 left、或right 值
# if lay_list[tail][j] and lay > 0: # 在 python 中0、空都为假,非零为真,所以这样将导致 lay_list[tail][j] 为 0 时没能填充
if lay_list[tail][j] is not None and lay > 0: # 必须改为这样,才能避免 lay_list[tail][j] 为 0 时没能填充
if j % 2 == 0:
node_list[pow(2, lay - 1) - 1 + j // 2].left = node_list[-1]
node_list[pow(2, lay - 1) - 1 + j // 2].right = node_list[-1] loc += len_lay
len_all -= len_lay
lay += 1 return node_list, lay_list def getListFromTree(self, root=None):
node_list = []
if root is None:
node_list = self.getTreeFromList()[0] root = node_list[0] def treeRecursion(root, i, _list):
if root is None:
return len1 = len(_list)
if len1 <= i:
for j in range(i - len1 + 1):
_list.append(None) _list[i] = root.val
treeRecursion(root.left, 2 * i, _list)
treeRecursion(root.right, 2 * i + 1, _list) _list = []
treeRecursion(root, 1, _list)
while _list and _list[0] is None:
del (_list[0])
return _list def printTree(self, node_list=[]):
if node_list is None:
node_list, _ = self.getTreeFromList() def getNodeName(node, name="Node"):
return "None" if node is None or node.val is None else name + "{:0>2d}".format(node.val) print("node:".ljust(7), "val".ljust(5), "left".ljust(7), "right")
for node in range(len(node_list)):
print(getNodeName(node_list[node]).ljust(6), end=": ")
print((getNodeName(node_list[node], "") + ", ").ljust(6),
(getNodeName(node_list[node].left) + ", ").ljust(8),
getNodeName(node_list[node].right), sep='') def test_binarytree(list1):
mytree = MyBinaryTree(list1) list2 = mytree.getListFromTree()
print("转换前后的的列表是否相等:{}".format(list1 == list2)) print()
print("转换的列表转换为二叉树:{}".format(build(list2))) print("二叉树节点列表为(完美对齐):")
mytree.printTree(mytree.getTreeFromList()[0]) list1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, None, 7, None, 9, None, None, 10, ]
# list1 = [i for i in range(100)]
# list1 = [random.randint(0, 99) for i in range(20)]
test_binarytree(list1) # S:\PythonProject\pyTest01\venv\Scripts\python.exe S:/PythonProject/pyTest01/main.py
# 转换后列表为:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, None, 7, None, 9, None, None, 10]
# 原来的列表为:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, None, 7, None, 9, None, None, 10]
# 转换层列表为:[[0], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [None, 7, None, 9, None, None, 10]]
# 转换前后的的列表是否相等:True
# 原来的列表转换为二叉树:
# ____0__
# / \
# __1 2___
# / \ / \
# 3 4 5 _6
# \ \ /
# 7 9 10
# 转换的列表转换为二叉树:
# ____0__
# / \
# __1 2___
# / \ / \
# 3 4 5 _6
# \ \ /
# 7 9 10
# 二叉树节点列表为(完美对齐):
# node: val left right
# Node00: 00, Node01, Node02
# Node01: 01, Node03, Node04
# Node02: 02, Node05, Node06
# Node03: 03, None, Node07
# Node04: 04, None, Node09
# Node05: 05, None, None
# Node06: 06, Node10, None
# None : None, None, None
# Node07: 07, None, None
# None : None, None, None
# Node09: 09, None, None
# None : None, None, None
# None : None, None, None
# Node10: 10, None, None
# 进程已结束,退出代码0



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