Initially, I plan to write 4 columns:Python, Qt, Linux,and respectively, Career. However, my ambition of my career is to maintain a wide range of skills,and is intensive in a certain field. To realize my preliminary plan, I decide to learn more skills apart from these four. During my learning, I'll create a new column if another significant theme occurs, or I'll gather other skills not exist in the column SKILLS if it shows not that important. In another word, I'll learn and note other skills either in new columns or in the column "Skills". I think it hard to be a professor in programming without a wide horizon. And it's also impossible to success if one learn everything in the same energy and efforts.

With my point of view, three addtional items should take into account, they are:Operation System, Datapool, Network and Communication. So, if needed, these column is bound to create.

To wrap up, I decide to create new themes when I start to learn new skills.


  1. 在C#中该如何阻止虚方法的覆写
  2. import的用法
  3. C# Read/Write another Process' Memory z
  4. Javascript获取不重复的随机数值
  5. 在MacOS中,Unity使用VSCode开发,4.7版本无法正常使用C#
  6. VerilogHDL常用的仿真知识
  7. mapreduce运行机制
  8. unity 安装破解提示partern not found和tutorials学习
  9. 试了下阿里云的OPEN Api
  10. MooFest POJ1990
  11. window的三大功能,行内样式获取的讲解 getcomputerStyle
  12. [转]C++ STL list的初始化、添加、遍历、插入、删除、查找、排序、释放
  13. boost--序列化库serialization
  14. 757A Gotta Catch Em' All!
  15. Spring Boot之HelloWorld
  16. [翻译]Writing Component Editors 编写组件的编辑器
  17. 【WEB开发】微信网页授权第三方登录接口(WEB登录)
  18. javascript方法--call()
  19. QWidget类参考
  20. 仿照everything写的一个超级速查 原创


  1. Vue富文本编辑器(图片拖拽缩放)
  2. 如何将Nginx注册为系统服务,开机自启动。
  3. this()与super()
  4. docker-compose启动consul集群
  5. buuctf-pwn:jarvisoj_level6_x64
  6. 删除指定路径下指定天数之前(以文件的创建日期为准)的文件:BAT + REG + Ritchie Lawrence 日期函数
  7. think PHP5.1使用时 session重定向丢失问题
  8. 了解JWT认证
  9. Route53导出解析记录
  10. PS2018 激活