Longest common subsequence problem

The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is the problem of finding the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences (often just two sequences). It differs from the longest common substring problem: unlike substrings, subsequences are not required to occupy consecutive positions within the original sequences.


  • LCS for input Sequences ABCDGH and AEDFHR is ADH of length 3.
  • LCS for input Sequences AGGTAB and GXTXAYB is GTAB of length 4


1.构建二维矩阵A[n+1][n+1] s1为列,s2为行



else  A[rowIndex][columnIndex]=max(A[rowIndex][columnIndex-1],A[rowIndex-1][columnIndex])








      2.否则 rowIndex--;


* @param {string[]} set1
* @param {string[]} set2
* @return {string[]}
export default function longestCommonSubsequence(set1, set2) {
// Init LCS matrix.
const lcsMatrix = Array(set2.length + ).fill(null).map(() => Array(set1.length + ).fill(null)); // Fill first row with zeros.
for (let columnIndex = ; columnIndex <= set1.length; columnIndex += ) {
lcsMatrix[][columnIndex] = ;
} // Fill first column with zeros.
for (let rowIndex = ; rowIndex <= set2.length; rowIndex += ) {
lcsMatrix[rowIndex][] = ;
} // Fill rest of the column that correspond to each of two strings.
for (let rowIndex = ; rowIndex <= set2.length; rowIndex += ) {
for (let columnIndex = ; columnIndex <= set1.length; columnIndex += ) {
if (set1[columnIndex - ] === set2[rowIndex - ]) {
lcsMatrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] = lcsMatrix[rowIndex - ][columnIndex - ] + ;
} else {
lcsMatrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] = Math.max(
lcsMatrix[rowIndex - ][columnIndex],
lcsMatrix[rowIndex][columnIndex - ],
} // Calculate LCS based on LCS matrix.
if (!lcsMatrix[set2.length][set1.length]) {
// If the length of largest common string is zero then return empty string.
return [''];
} const longestSequence = [];
let columnIndex = set1.length;
let rowIndex = set2.length; while (columnIndex > || rowIndex > ) {
if (set1[columnIndex - ] === set2[rowIndex - ]) {
// Move by diagonal left-top.
longestSequence.unshift(set1[columnIndex - ]);
columnIndex -= ;
rowIndex -= ;
} else if (lcsMatrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] === lcsMatrix[rowIndex][columnIndex - ]) {
// Move left.
columnIndex -= ;
} else {
// Move up.
rowIndex -= ;
} return longestSequence;


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