

private Handler mHandle = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
case 0:
// this is the code

当使用Android lint工具的话,会得到这样的警告,具体的提示如下:

This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur (com.example.multifragment.SampleActivity.1) Issue: Ensures that Handler classes do not hold on to a reference to an outer class Id: HandlerLeak Since this Handler is declared as an inner class, it may prevent the outer class from being garbage collected. If the Handler is using a Looper or MessageQueue for a thread other than the main thread, then there is no issue. If the Handler is using the Looper or MessageQueue of the main thread, you need to fix your Handler declaration, as follows: Declare the Handler as a static class; In the outer class, instantiate a WeakReference to the outer class and pass this object to your Handler when you instantiate the Handler; Make all references to members of the outer class using the WeakReference object.





public class SampleActivity extends Activity {

  private final Handler mLeakyHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
// ...
} @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Post a message and delay its execution for 10 minutes.
mLeakyHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() { /* ... */ }
}, 1000 * 60 * 10); // Go back to the previous Activity.


注意上面的new Runnable这里也是匿名内部类实现的,同样也会持有SampleActivity的引用,也会阻止SampleActivity被回收。

要解决这种问题,思路就是不适用非静态内部类,继承Handler时,要么是放在单独的类文件中,要么就是使用静态内部类。因为静态的内部类不会持有外部类的引用,所以不会导致外部类实例的内存泄露。当你需要在静态内部类中调用外部的Activity时,我们可以使用弱引用来处理。另外关于同样也需要将Runnable设置为静态的成员属性。注意:一个静态的匿名内部类实例不会持有外部类的引用。 修改后不会导致内存泄露的代码如下

public class SampleActivity extends Activity {

* Instances of static inner classes do not hold an implicit
* reference to their outer class.
private static class MyHandler extends Handler {
private final WeakReference<sampleactivity> mActivity; public MyHandler(SampleActivity activity) {
mActivity = new WeakReference<sampleactivity>(activity);
} @Override
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
SampleActivity activity = mActivity.get();
if (activity != null) {
// ...
} private final MyHandler mHandler = new MyHandler(this); /**
* Instances of anonymous classes do not hold an implicit
* reference to their outer class when they are static.
private static final Runnable sRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() { /* ... */ }
}; @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Post a message and delay its execution for 10 minutes.
mHandler.postDelayed(sRunnable, 1000 * 60 * 10); // Go back to the previous Activity.



第一种:(不推荐)根据提示,直接加入“@SuppressLint("HandlerLeak")”的注释或者在Lint Error Checking里面检索HandlerLeak,然后选择ignore。不推荐,这种方法实际上没有解决问题。

第二种 :把Handler定义成static,然后用post方法把Runnable对象传送到主线程,这种方法将要发送的消息转换成了对应的Runable对象,适用于只有一个消息要发送的情形,如果有多个消息要发送可以采用上述弱引用的方法(handler要覆盖handleMessage处理各种收到的消息的时候)。

public class SettingsActivity extends Activity {
private static Handler handler;
private TextView textView; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Create a handler to update the UI
handler = new Handler();
// ... // handler.post(new Runnable() {} handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// 此处放入要改变UI的操作即可
textView.setText("success"); // 改变textView显示的内容
} }


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