

Three circles C_{a}C​a​​, C_{b}C​b​​, and C_{c}C​c​​, all with radius RR and tangent to each other, are located in two-dimensional space as shown in Figure 11. A smaller circle C_{1}C​1​​ with radius R_{1}R​1​​ (R_{1}<RR​1​​<R) is then inserted into the blank area bounded by C_{a}C​a​​, C_{b}C​b​​, and C_{c}C​c​​ so that C_{1}C​1​​ is tangent to the three outer circles, C_{a}C​a​​, C_{b}C​b​​, and C_{c}C​c​​. Now, we keep inserting a number of smaller and smaller circles C_{k}\ (2 \leq k \leq N)C​k​​ (2≤k≤N) with the corresponding radius R_{k}R​k​​ into the blank area bounded by C_{a}C​a​​, C_{c}C​c​​ and C_{k-1}C​k−1​​ (2 \leq k \leq N)(2≤k≤N), so that every time when the insertion occurs, the inserted circle C_{k}C​k​​ is always tangent to the three outer circles C_{a}C​a​​, C_{c}C​c​​ and C_{k-1}C​k−1​​, as shown in Figure 11

Figure 1.

(Left) Inserting a smaller circle C_{1}C​1​​ into a blank area bounded by the circle C_{a}C​a​​, C_{b}C​b​​ and C_{c}C​c​​.

(Right) An enlarged view of inserting a smaller and smaller circle C_{k}C​k​​ into a blank area bounded by C_{a}C​a​​, C_{c}C​c​​ and C_{k-1}C​k−1​​ (2 \leq k \leq N2≤k≤N), so that the inserted circle C_{k}C​k​​ is always tangent to the three outer circles, C_{a}C​a​​, C_{c}C​c​​, and C_{k-1}C​k−1​​.

Now, given the parameters RR and kk, please write a program to calculate the value of R_{k}R​k​​, i.e., the radius of the k-thk−th inserted circle. Please note that since the value of R_kR​k​​ may not be an integer, you only need to report the integer part of R_{k}R​k​​. For example, if you find that R_{k}R​k​​ = 1259.89981259.8998 for some kk, then the answer you should report is 12591259.

Another example, if R_{k}R​k​​ = 39.102939.1029 for some kk, then the answer you should report is 3939.

Assume that the total number of the inserted circles is no more than 1010, i.e., N \leq 10N≤10. Furthermore, you may assume \pi = 3.14159π=3.14159. The range of each parameter is as below:

1 \leq k \leq N1≤k≤N, and 10^{4} \leq R \leq 10^{7}10​4​​≤R≤10​7​​.

Input Format

Contains l + 3l+3 lines.

Line 11: ll ----------------- the number of test cases, ll is an integer.

Line 22: RR ---------------- RR is a an integer followed by a decimal point,then followed by a digit.

Line 33: kk ---------------- test case #11, kk is an integer.


Line i+2i+2: kk ----------------- test case # ii.


Line l +2l+2: kk ------------ test case #ll.

Line l + 3l+3: -1−1 ---------- a constant -1−1 representing the end of the input file.

Output Format

Contains ll lines.

Line 11: kk R_{k}R​k​​ ----------------output for the value of kk and R_{k}R​k​​ at the test case #11, each of which should be separated by a blank.


Line ii: kk R_{k}R​k​​ ----------------output for kk and the value of R_{k}R​k​​ at the test case # ii, each of which should be separated by a blank.

Line ll: kk R_{k}R​k​​ ----------------output for kk and the value ofR_{k}R​k​​ at the test case # ll, each of which should be separated by a blank.




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2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(南宁赛区)网络赛






 #include <bits/stdc++.h>

 using namespace std;

 #define MP make_pair
#define PB push_back
typedef long long LL;
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
const double eps=1e-;
const double PI=acos(-1.0);
const int K=1e6+;
const int mod=1e9+; int main(void)
double r,x,y,ls,dis,ans[];
int t;
for(int i=;i<=;i++)
for(int i=,k;i<=t;i++)
scanf("%d",&k),printf("%d %d\n",k,(int)ans[k]);
return ;


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