The best accessory a girl can own is confidence.


Only when we have our own ideas and only when we are confident in oursleves, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in our life and work, and become active, optimistic and perseverant.

Some of the good characters one should have:

Honesty, perseverant moral, sincere attitude, superior quality, humble conversation, cordial courtesy, neat apperance and so on.

If we want to be helpful to the world and have a splendid career, these should be our motto and our sign to deal with matters.

For everyone, self-confidence is indispensable. If you are full of confidence, with the help of some skills in social communication and your genuine knowledge in your business, you will be sure to stand out in your peers.

It may take considerable amounts of time and efforts to build up one's confidence.

Simply, I think a series of small but successful projects can promote the process.

Victory belongs to the most persevering.


From Napoleon Bonaparte.

Before discussing about the quote from Napoleon Bonaparte, I would like to spare several minutes to write down some common-using periphereal interconnecting technologies.

There are many ways to exchange data within system and between different systems.

Within the system, like on-board levels, the Central Process Unit can exchange data with the periphereal devices through I2C, SPI, UART, PCI, PCIE and so on.

Between different systems, we can use internet, pcie, or other kinds of bus.

But sometimes I can't make very clear about the difference between the hardware-structures and the protocols.

Such knowledge may be very fundamental, I feel frustrated with my confusion at these concepts.

It seems I know most of these basic concepts, but once going into details, I can't present a clear and precise expression about them.

That is why I can't become an expert and why I can't get promoted quickly in my career.

Predictably, victory belongs to those talents and those most persevering.

I am not talented, so I should be more perseverant, but in most cases, I just touch the surface of what I am involved in.

How to organize my bits and pieces of knowledge into systematic learning?

I expect I can qualify myself for the senior post.

There are many people who have been very successful when they are young, at the age of their twenties or thirties.

That period of time is considered as the best stage of one's life.

If you waste that time, you will certainly waste your whole life.

Sadly, I am just living my life in that way, and even though I have realized that is quite mierable I didn't take any measure to prevent the tragedy.


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