linux ext4普通盘为什么目录大小是4k?

Why does every directory have a size 4096 bytes (4 K)?

To understand this, you'd better have some basic knowledge of the following (file system):

  • inode (contains file attributes, metadata of file, pointer structure)
  • file (can be considered a table with 2 columns, filename and its inode, inode points to the raw data blocks on the block device)
  • directory (just a special file, container for other filenames. It contains an array of filenames and inode numbers for each filename. Also it describes the relationship between parent and children.)
  • symbolic link VS hard link
  • dentry (directory entries)


    On typical ext4 file system (I reckon most likely this is what you are using), the default inode size is 256 bytes, block size is 4096 bytes.

A directory is just a special file which contains an array of filenames and inode numbers. When the directory was created, the file system allocated 1 inode to the directory with a "filename" (dir name in fact). The inode points to a single data block (minimum overhead), which is 4096 bytes. That's why you see 4096 / 4.0K when using ls.

要理解这个,你首先要懂:(注: 这里我用c7.4,默认xfs:/etc/fstab,我又挂了一个格式化成ext4做的实验)

symblic: 软链接


磁盘MBR分区机制- inode/Block深入实战




目录是特殊的文件,目录内容包含: 文件名+inode号, 当目录被创建后,文件系统会给这个目录分配1个inode+特殊文件(即以目录为名). inode指向一个block. 所有你才会看到目录大小为4k.



ext4 默认inode大小是256bytes, block大小是4096bytes

[root@moban ~]# dumpe2fs /dev/sdb |grep "Inode size"
Inode size: 256 [root@moban ~]# dumpe2fs /dev/sdb |grep "Block size"
Block size: 4096 - 格式化时候指定inode和block大小
[root@moban ~]# mkfs.ext4 -I 2048 -b 2048 /dev/sdb



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