
Problem: 3673
User: idy002
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
Time:76 ms
Memory:13780 kb
****************************************************************/ #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#define N 20010
using namespace std; struct Node {
int u, p, s;
Node *ls, *rs;
}pool[N*], *tail=pool, *root[N]; int n, m;
Node *build( int lf, int rg ) {
Node *nd = ++tail;
if( lf==rg ) {
nd->u = lf;
nd->p = lf;
nd->s = ;
return nd;
int mid=(lf+rg)>>;
nd->ls = build( lf, mid );
nd->rs = build( mid+, rg );
return nd;
Node *modify( Node *nd, int lf, int rg, int u, int p, int s ) {
Node *nn = ++tail;
if( lf==rg ) {
nn->u = u;
nn->p = p;
nn->s = s;
return nn;
int mid=(lf+rg)>>;
if( u<=mid ) {
nn->ls = modify( nd->ls, lf, mid, u, p, s );
nn->rs = nd->rs;
} else {
nn->ls = nd->ls;
nn->rs = modify( nd->rs, mid+, rg, u, p, s );
return nn;
Node *query( Node *nd, int lf, int rg, int u ) {
if( lf==rg ) return nd;
int mid=(lf+rg)>>;
if( u<=mid ) return query(nd->ls,lf,mid,u);
else return query(nd->rs,mid+,rg,u);
} Node *find( Node *r, int a ) {
Node *na = query(r,,n,a);
while( na->u!=na->p ) na=query(r,,n,na->p);
return na;
int main() {
scanf( "%d%d", &n, &m );
root[] = build(,n);
for( int i=,opt,a,b,k; i<=m; i++ ) {
scanf( "%d", &opt );
if( opt== ) {
scanf( "%d%d", &a, &b );
root[i] = root[i-];
Node *na = find(root[i],a);
Node *nb = find(root[i],b);
if( na==nb ) continue;
if( na->s > nb->s ) swap(na,nb);
root[i] = modify( root[i], , n, na->u, nb->u, na->s );
root[i] = modify( root[i], , n, nb->u, nb->u, na->s+nb->s );
} else if( opt== ) {
scanf( "%d", &k );
root[i] = root[k];
} else {
scanf( "%d%d", &a, &b );
root[i] = root[i-];
printf( "%d\n", find(root[i],a)->u==find(root[i],b)->u );


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