@echo off ::内存虚拟盘符-内存盘大小自己查看源目录大小
@SET VDisk=S: echo 正在努力工作... ::下面的项 自己按需修改 call :SRCopyMKLink "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7" "%VDisk%\vs.Common7" call :SRCopyMKLink "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC" "%VDisk%\vs.VC" call :SRCopyMKLink "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0" "%VDisk%\vs.Roaming" call :SRCopyMKLink "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\VisualAssist" "%VDisk%\VisualAssist" call :SRCopyMKLink "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome" "%VDisk%\Chrome" @goto end ::自动备份目录 并联接
@set srcDir=%~1
@set toDir=%~2
@SET srcName=%~nx1
@SET toName=%~nx2 ::变态的bat,函数中的if exist路径包含括号时出鬼,只能用cd来处理
cd /d "%~dp1" if not exist %srcName%_SRBAK (
if not exist "%srcName%" (
echo 源目录不存在:%srcName%
goto toerror
) rename "%srcName%" "%srcName%_SRBAK"
if not exist "%srcName%_SRBAK" (
echo 修改源目录名失败:%srcName%
goto toerror
) ::处理目标路径
if not exist "%toDir%" ( ::创建一个临时目录
md "%toDir%_tmp" xcopy "%srcName%_SRBAK\*.*" "%toDir%_tmp\" /s /e /y /h /r /Q
if not %errorlevel%==0 (
echo 复制文件失败:源:%srcName%
goto toerror
) ::将临时目录名修改回来
ren "%toDir%_tmp" "%toName%"
if not exist "%toDir%" (
echo 修改目标路径失败:%srcName%
goto toerror
) if exist "%srcName%_SRBAK" ( if exist "%srcName%" (
rd /s /q %srcName%
if exist "%srcName%" (
echo 删除源链接失败:%srcName%
goto toerror
) mklink /j "%srcName%" "%toDir%"
if not %errorlevel%==0 (
echo 链接失败:%srcName%
goto toerror
) :tosuccess
@exit /B 0
echo 发生了错误
@exit /B 1 :end


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