Redis提供了丰富的数据类型,比起关系型数据库或者简单的Key-Value存储(比如Memcached)来,Redis的数据模型与实际应用的数据模型更相近。比如下面说到的好友关系的存储,原作者使用了Redis的 Sets(集合)数据结构。

具体存储方式如下:对于每一个用户,其关注关系存储两份列表,一份为此用户关注的人的UID列表,另一份为此用户粉丝的UID列表,这两个列表都使用Sets(集合)。比如对于用户ID为123的用户,graph:user:123:following 保存的是其关注人的列表,graph:user:1:followed_by 保存的是关注他的人的列表。



* This example would probably work best if you're using
* an MVC framework, but it can be used standalone as well.
* This example also assumes you are using Predis, the excellent
* PHP Redis library available here:
class UserNode {
// The user's ID, probably loaded from MySQL
private $id; // The redis server configuration
private $redis_config = array(
array('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 6379 )
); // Stores the redis connection resource so that
// we only need to connect to Redis once
private $redis; public function __construct($userID) {
$this->id = $userID;
} private function redis() {
if (!$this->redis) {
$this->redis = new Predis\Client($redis_config);
} return $this->redis;
} /*
* Makes this user follow the user with the given ID.
* In order to stay efficient, we need to make a two-way
* directed graph. This means when we follow a user, we also
* say that that user is followed by this user, making a forward
* and backword directed graph.
public function follow($user) {
$this->redis()->sadd("graph:user:{$this->id}:following", $user);
$this->redis()->sadd("graph:user:$user:followed_by", $this->id);
} /*
* Makes this user unfollow the user with the given ID.
* First we check to make sure that we are actually following
* the user we want to unfollow, then we remove both the forward
* and backward references.
public function unfollow($user) {
if ($this->is_following()) {
$this->redis()->srem("graph:user:{$this->id}:following", $user);
$this->redis()->srem("graph:user:$user:followed_by", $this->id);
} /*
* Returns an array of user ID's that this user follows.
public function following() {
return $this->redis()->smembers("graph:user:{$this->id}:following");
} /*
* Returns an array of user ID's that this user is followed by.
public function followed_by() {
return $this->redis()->smembers("graph:user:{$this->id}:followed_by");
} /*
* Test to see if this user is following the given user or not.
* Returns a boolean.
public function is_following($user) {
return $this->redis()->sismember("graph:user:{$this->id}:following", $user);
} /*
* Test to see if this user is followed by the given user.
* Returns a boolean.
public function is_followed_by($user) {
return $this->redis()->sismember("graph:user:{$this->id}:followed_by", $user);
} /*
* Tests to see if the relationship between this user and the given user is mutual.
public function is_mutual($user) {
return ($this->is_following($user) && $this->is_followed_by($user));
} /*
* Returns the number of users that this user is following.
public function follow_count() {
return $this->redis()->scard("graph:user:{$this->id}:following");
} /*
* Retuns the number of users that follow this user.
public function follower_count() {
return $this->redis()->scard("graph:user:{$this->id}:followed_by");
} /*
* Finds all users that the given users follow in common.
* Returns an array of user IDs
public function common_following($users) {
$redis = $this->redis();
$users[] = $this->id; $keys = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$keys[] = "graph:user:{$user}:following";
} return call_user_func_array(array($redis, "sinter"), $keys);
} /*
* Finds all users that all of the given users are followed by in common.
* Returns an array of user IDs
public function common_followed_by($users) {
$redis = $this->redis();
$users[] = $this->id; $keys = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$keys[] = "graph:user:{$user}:followed_by";
} return call_user_func_array(array($redis, "sinter"), $keys);
} }


// create two user nodes, assume for this example
// they're users with no social graph entries.
$user1 = UserNode(1);
$user2 = UserNode(2); $user1->follows(); // array() // add some followers
$user1->follow(3); // now check the follow list
$user1->follows(); // array(2, 3) // now we can also do:
$user2->followed_by(); // array(1) // if we do this...
$user2->follow(3); // then we can do this to see which people users #1 and #2 follow in common
$user1->common_following(2); // array(3)



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