Mac OS系统自身包含有转换plist的工具:plutil.其中-p是以human可读方式显示plist文件,而convert就是转换参数,其中支持的格式有:xml,二进制和json。下面拿一个实际例子测试下,该plist文件是二进制文件:

apple@kissAir: Contents$ls

Info.plist MacOS     

apple@kissAir: Contents$cat I*


PlayerV10K549WEnglishZ15.0.0.239U12F45_FSPreferencesMain_FlashPlayerPreferencesTtrueTBNDLS6.0\Flash PlayerP_ com.adobe.flashplayerpreferencesRGMV4H1503T????\Flash Playe7?I^kv??????,Lal????????



plutil -p I*


"DTXcode" => "0463"

"DTSDKName" => "macosx10.6"

"NSPrefPaneIconFile" => "FlashPlayerPreferences.png"

"CFBundleName" => "Flash Player"

"DTSDKBuild" => "10K549"

"CFBundleDevelopmentRegion" => "English"

"CFBundleVersion" => ""

"BuildMachineOSBuild" => "12F45"

"NSPrincipalClass" => "FSPreferencesMain"

"NSMainNibFile" => "FlashPlayerPreferences"

"NSPrefPaneSearchParameters" => "FlashPlayerPreferences"

"NSSupportsSuddenTermination" => "true"

"CFBundlePackageType" => "BNDL"

"CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion" => "6.0"

"CFBundleExecutable" => "Flash Player"

"DTCompiler" => ""

"CFBundleIdentifier" => "com.adobe.flashplayerpreferences"

"DTPlatformVersion" => "GM"

"DTXcodeBuild" => "4H1503"

"CFBundleSignature" => "????"

"NSPrefPaneIconLabel" => "Flash Player"

"DTPlatformBuild" => "4H1503"



apple@kissAir: Contents$plutil -convert xml1 I* -o ~/x


apple@kissAir: ~$file x

x: XML document text

apple@kissAir: ~$cat x

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">

<plist version="1.0">







<string>Flash Player</string>






<string>Flash Player</string>


























<string>Flash Player</string>










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