

ALTER SCHEMA 仅可用于在同一数据库中的架构之间移动安全对象。 若要更改或删除架构中的安全对象,请使用特定于该安全对象的 ALTER 或 DROP 语句。

如果对 securable_name 使用了由一部分组成的名称,则将使用当前生效的名称解析规则查找该安全对象。

将安全对象移入新架构时,将删除与该安全对象关联的全部权限。 如果已显式设置安全对象的所有者,则该所有者保持不变。 如果安全对象的所有者已设置为 SCHEMA OWNER,则该所有者将保持为 SCHEMA OWNER;但移动之后,SCHEMA OWNER 将解析为新架构的所有者。 新所有者的 principal_id 将为 NULL。

无论是 sys.sql_modules 目录视图的 definition 列中的相应对象,还是使用 OBJECT_DEFINITION 内置函数获取的相应对象,移动存储过程、函数、视图或触发器都不会更改其架构名称(如有)。 因此,我们建议不要使用 ALTER SCHEMA 移动这些对象类型。 而是删除对象,然后在新架构中重新创建该对象。

移动表或同义词不会自动更新对该对象的引用。 必须手动修改引用已移动对象的任何对象。 例如,如果移动了某个表,并且触发器中引用了该表,则必须修改触发器以反映新的架构名称。 请使用 sys.sql_expression_dependencies 列出该对象上的依赖关系,然后再进行移动。

若要通过使用 SQL Server Management Studio 更改表的架构,请在对象资源管理器中右键单击该表,然后单击“设计”。 按 F4 以打开“属性”窗口。 在“架构”框中,选择新架构。

若要从另一个架构中传输安全对象,当前用户必须拥有对该安全对象(非架构)的 CONTROL 权限,并拥有对目标架构的 ALTER 权限。

如果已为安全对象指定 EXECUTE AS OWNER,且所有者已设置为 SCHEMA OWNER,则用户还必须拥有对目标架构所有者的 IMPERSONATE 权限。









use database_name;
go 修改用户或者角色
alter authorization on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [schemaOwner];
go --修改用户或角色权限
grant insert on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予查看定义
grant view definition on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予查看更改跟踪
grant view change tracking on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予创建序列
grant create sequence on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予更改
grant alter on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予更新
grant update on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --接管所有权
grant take ownership on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予控制
grant control on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予删除
grant delete on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予选择
grant select on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予引用
grant references on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予执行
grant execute on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --授予并允许转授插入
grant insert on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授查看定义
grant view definition on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授查看更改跟踪
grant view change tracking on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授创建序列
grant create sequence on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授更改
grant alter on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授更新
grant update on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --接管并允许转授所有权
grant take ownership on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授控制
grant control on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授删除
grant delete on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授选择
grant select on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授引用
grant references on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --授予并允许转授执行
grant execute on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username] with grant option;
go --拒绝插入
deny insert on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝查看定义
deny view definition on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝查看更改跟踪
deny view change tracking on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝创建序列
deny create sequence on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝更改
deny alter on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝更新
deny update on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝所有权
deny take ownership on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝控制
deny control on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝删除
deny delete on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝选择
deny select on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝引用
deny references on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go --拒绝执行
deny execute on schema::[ArchitectureName] to [rolename_username];
go 删除数据库架构扩展属性
exec sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name=N'extendedAttributeName',@level0type=N'schema',@level0name=N'extendedAttributeValue'
go 创建数据库架构扩属性
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'newExtendedAttributeName',@value=N'newExtendedAttributeValue' , @level0type=N'schema',@level0name=N'ArchitectureName'
go --修改数据库架构
alter schema schema_name(你要修改成得新架构)
transfer { object | type | xml schema collection } securable_name (原架构名.对象名);










--transfer { object | type | xml schema collection }



use [testss];
go --修改数据库架构
alter authorization on schema::[testarchitecture] to [db_datareader];
go --修改用户或角色权限
grant insert on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予查看定义
grant view definition on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予查看更改跟踪
grant view change tracking on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予创建序列
grant create sequence on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予更改
grant alter on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予更新
grant update on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --接管所有权
grant take ownership on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予控制
grant control on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予删除
grant delete on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予选择
grant select on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予引用
grant references on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go --授予执行
grant execute on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
go ----授予并允许转授插入
--grant insert on schema::[testarchitecture] to [[guest]] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授查看定义
--grant view definition on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授查看更改跟踪
--grant view change tracking on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授创建序列
--grant create sequence on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授更改
--grant alter on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go -- --授予并允许转授更新
--grant update on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----接管并允许转授所有权
--grant take ownership on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授控制
--grant control on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授删除
--grant delete on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授选择
--grant select on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授引用
--grant references on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----授予并允许转授执行
--grant execute on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest] with grant option;
--go ----拒绝插入
--deny insert on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝查看定义
--deny view definition on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝查看更改跟踪
--deny view change tracking on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝创建序列
--deny create sequence on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝更改
--deny alter on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝更新
--deny update on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝所有权
--deny take ownership on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝控制
--deny control on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝删除
--deny delete on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝选择
--deny select on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝引用
--deny references on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go ----拒绝执行
--deny execute on schema::[testarchitecture] to [guest];
--go --删除数据库架构扩展属性
exec sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name=N'testcrituer' , @level0type=N'schema',@level0name=N'testarchitecture'
go --创建数据库架构扩属性
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'testcrituer', @value=N'测试创建数据库架构' , @level0type=N'schema',@level0name=N'testarchitecture'
go --修改架构下对象所有权,从[testarchitecture]转移到[dbo]
alter schema [dbo] transfer [testarchitecture].[schema_table1];



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