

给你 \(n\) 个节点,让你兹磁以下操作,维护一棵树:

  1. 动态加边;
  2. 修改点权;
  3. 询问路径上点权和。

\(1\leq n\leq 30000\)


好久不打 \(lct\) 了,水一发。 \(lct\) 板子题。

好像 \(lct\) 的题都是板子。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 30000; int n, m, u, v; char ch[20];
struct Link_Cut_Tree {
int ch[N+5][2], val[N+5], sum[N+5], pre[N+5], rev[N+5], isrt[N+5];
Link_Cut_Tree () {for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) isrt[i] = 1; }
void pushdown(int o) {
if (rev[o] == 0) return; int ls = ch[o][0], rs = ch[o][1];
swap(ch[ls][0], ch[ls][1]), swap(ch[rs][0], ch[rs][1]);
rev[ls] ^= 1, rev[rs] ^= 1, rev[o] = 0;
void pushup(int o) {sum[o] = sum[ch[o][0]]+sum[ch[o][1]]+val[o]; }
void push(int o) {if (isrt[o] == 0) push(pre[o]); pushdown(o); }
void rotate(int o, int kind) {
int p = pre[o];
ch[p][!kind] = ch[o][kind], pre[ch[o][kind]] = p;
if (isrt[p]) isrt[p] = 0, isrt[o] = 1; else ch[pre[p]][ch[pre[p]][1] == p] = o;
pre[o] = pre[p];
ch[o][kind] = p, pre[p] = o;
pushup(p), pushup(o);
void splay(int o) {
while (isrt[o] == 0) {
if (isrt[pre[o]]) rotate(o, ch[pre[o]][0] == o);
else {
int p = pre[o], kind = ch[pre[p]][0] == p;
if (ch[p][kind] == o) rotate(o, !kind), rotate(o, kind);
else rotate(p, kind), rotate(o, kind);
void access(int o) {
int y = 0;
while (o) {
isrt[ch[o][1]] = 1, isrt[ch[o][1] = y] = 0;
pushup(o), o = pre[y = o];
void makeroot(int o) {access(o); splay(o); rev[o] ^=1, swap(ch[o][0], ch[o][1]); }
void split(int x, int y) {makeroot(x); access(y); splay(y); }
void link(int x, int y) {makeroot(x); pre[x] = y; }
void cut(int x, int y) {split(x, y); ch[y][0] = pre[x] = 0, isrt[x] = 1; pushup(y); }
void update(int x, int key) {makeroot(x); val[x] = key; pushup(x); }
int query(int x, int y) {split(x, y); return sum[y]; }
int find(int x) {access(x), splay(x); while (ch[x][0]) x = ch[x][0]; return x; }
}T; void work() {
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", &T.val[i]);
scanf("%d", &m);
while (m--) {
scanf("%s%d%d", ch, &u, &v);
if (ch[0] == 'b') {
if (T.find(u)^T.find(v)) {puts("yes");, v); }
else puts("no");
}else if (ch[0] == 'p') T.update(u, v);
else {
if (T.find(u)^T.find(v)) puts("impossible");
else printf("%d\n", T.query(u, v));
int main() {work(); return 0; }


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