
 typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *FTSHGetFolderLocation)(HWND hwndOwner,
int nFolder,
HANDLE hToken,
DWORD dwReserved,
void *ppidl
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *FTSHGetFolderPathW)(
_In_ HWND hwndOwner,
_In_ int nFolder,
_In_ HANDLE hToken,
_In_ DWORD dwFlags,
_Out_ LPTSTR pszPath
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *FTSHGetPathFromIDListW)(
_In_ void *pidl,
_Out_ LPTSTR pszPath
typedef void (__stdcall *FTILFree)(
_In_ VOID *pidl
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FTGetFileAttributesExW)(
__in LPCWSTR lpFileName,
__out LPVOID lpFileInformation
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FTCreateDirectoryA)(
__in LPCSTR lpPathName,
__in LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes
typedef DWORD (WINAPI *FTGetTempPathA)(
_In_ DWORD nBufferLength,
_Out_ LPSTR lpBuffer
__in HKEY hKey,
__in_opt LPCWSTR lpSubKey,
__reserved DWORD ulOptions,
__in REGSAM samDesired,
__out PHKEY phkResult
); typedef WINADVAPI
(APIENTRY *FTRegQueryValueExW)(
__in HKEY hKey,
__in_opt LPCWSTR lpValueName,
__reserved LPDWORD lpReserved,
__out_opt LPDWORD lpType,
__out_bcount_part_opt(*lpcbData, *lpcbData) __out_data_source(REGISTRY) LPBYTE lpData,
__inout_opt LPDWORD lpcbData
); typedef WINADVAPI
(APIENTRY *FTRegCloseKey)(
__in HKEY hKey
); typedef HRESULT (__stdcall* FTCoInitialize)(
_In_opt_ LPVOID pvReserved
); typedef HRESULT (__stdcall* FTCoCreateInstance)(
__in REFCLSID rclsid,
__in_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter,
__in DWORD dwClsContext,
__in REFIID riid,
__deref_out LPVOID FAR* ppv); typedef void (__stdcall* FTCoUninitialize)(void); typedef BOOL (__stdcall* FTPathRemoveFileSpecW)(
__inout LPWSTR pszPath
); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* FTDeleteFileW)(
_In_ LPCWSTR lpFileName
); #define START_FUNC_ARRAY() \
struct FunctionArray \
{ \
long size
#define ADD_FUN_ARRAY(_M_, _N_) \
FT ## _N_ p ## _N_
#define END_FUNC_ARRAY() \
} #define GET_MODE_PROC_ADDRESS(_M_, _F_, _T_, _V_) \
do \
{ \
_V_ = (_T_)GetProcAddress(::LoadLibraryA(_M_), _F_); \
if (_V_ == NULL) \
{ \
ErrorLog(); \
return FALSE; \
} \
} while (FALSE) #define GET_PROC_ADDRESS(__M_, __F_) \
GET_MODE_PROC_ADDRESS(__M_, #__F_, FT ## __F_, g_funArray.p ## __F_) #define CALL(_F_) \
g_funArray.p ## _F_ START_FUNC_ARRAY();
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("shell32.dll", SHGetFolderLocation);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("shell32.dll", SHGetFolderPathW);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("shell32.dll", SHGetPathFromIDListW);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("shell32.dll", ILFree); ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Kernel32.dll", GetFileAttributesExW);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Kernel32.dll", CreateDirectoryA);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Kernel32.dll", GetTempPathA);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Kernel32.dll", DeleteFileW); ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Advapi32.dll", RegOpenKeyExW);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Advapi32.dll", RegQueryValueExW);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Advapi32.dll", RegCloseKey); ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Ole32.dll", CoInitialize);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Ole32.dll", CoCreateInstance);
ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Ole32.dll", CoUninitialize); ADD_FUN_ARRAY("Shlwapi.dll", PathRemoveFileSpecW);
END_FUNC_ARRAY(); FunctionArray g_funArray = {sizeof(FunctionArray)}; BOOL InitFunction()
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("shell32.dll" , SHGetFolderLocation);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("shell32.dll" , SHGetFolderPathW);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("shell32.dll" , SHGetPathFromIDListW);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("shell32.dll" , ILFree); GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Kernel32.dll" , GetFileAttributesExW);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Kernel32.dll" , CreateDirectoryA);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Kernel32.dll" , GetTempPathA);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Kernel32.dll" , DeleteFileW); GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Advapi32.dll" , RegOpenKeyExW);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Advapi32.dll" , RegQueryValueExW);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Advapi32.dll" , RegCloseKey); GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Ole32.dll" , CoInitialize);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Ole32.dll" , CoCreateInstance);
GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Ole32.dll" , CoUninitialize); GET_PROC_ADDRESS("Shlwapi.dll" , PathRemoveFileSpecW);
return TRUE;


 ; __int64 Initialize(void)
?Initialize@@YAHXZ proc near ; CODE XREF: DllMain+51p
; DATA XREF: .pdata:000000018000E060o
sub rsp, 28h
lea rcx, LibFileName ; "shell32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, ProcName ; "SHGetFolderLocation"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CED0, rax
test rax, rax
jnz short loc_180002154 loc_18000214D: ; CODE XREF: Initialize(void)+5Bj
; Initialize(void)+84j ...
xor eax, eax
add rsp, 28h
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_180002154: ; CODE XREF: Initialize(void)+2Bj
lea rcx, LibFileName ; "shell32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aShgetfolderpat ; "SHGetFolderPathW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CED8, rax
test rax, rax
jz short loc_18000214D
lea rcx, LibFileName ; "shell32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aShgetpathfromi ; "SHGetPathFromIDListW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CEE0, rax
test rax, rax
jz short loc_18000214D
lea rcx, LibFileName ; "shell32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aIlfree ; "ILFree"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CEE8, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aKernel32_dll_0 ; "Kernel32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aGetfileattribu ; "GetFileAttributesExW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CEF0, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aKernel32_dll_0 ; "Kernel32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aCreatedirector ; "CreateDirectoryA"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CEF8, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aKernel32_dll_0 ; "Kernel32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aGettemppatha ; "GetTempPathA"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF00, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aKernel32_dll_0 ; "Kernel32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aDeletefilew ; "DeleteFileW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF40, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aAdvapi32_dll ; "Advapi32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aRegopenkeyexw ; "RegOpenKeyExW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF08, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aAdvapi32_dll ; "Advapi32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aRegqueryvaluee ; "RegQueryValueExW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF10, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aAdvapi32_dll ; "Advapi32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aRegclosekey ; "RegCloseKey"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF18, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aOle32_dll ; "Ole32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aCoinitialize ; "CoInitialize"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF20, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aOle32_dll ; "Ole32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aCocreateinstan ; "CoCreateInstance"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF28, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aOle32_dll ; "Ole32.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aCouninitialize ; "CoUninitialize"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
mov cs:qword_18000CF30, rax
test rax, rax
jz loc_18000214D
lea rcx, aShlwapi_dll ; "Shlwapi.dll"
call cs:LoadLibraryA
lea rdx, aPathremovefile ; "PathRemoveFileSpecW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:GetProcAddress
xor ecx, ecx
test rax, rax
mov cs:qword_18000CF38, rax
setnz cl
mov eax, ecx
add rsp, 28h
?Initialize@@YAHXZ endp ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


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