mysql 查询碎片的方法

mysql> select table_schema,concat('alter table ',table_name, ' engine=Innodb ;'),(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024 length,engine,data_free,table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema','mysql','performance_schema')      and data_free !=0 group by table_name order by table_rows asc;
| table_schema | concat('alter table ',table_name, ' engine=Innodb ;') | length | engine | data_free | table_rows |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201705 engine=Innodb ; | 2.03125000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 7407 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201706 engine=Innodb ; | 1.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 7815 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table transfer_order_record engine=Innodb ; | 1.82812500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 8001 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_account engine=Innodb ; | 2.40625000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 8221 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table period_appeal_log engine=Innodb ; | 1.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 9412 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201704 engine=Innodb ; | 2.23437500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 9996 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201709 engine=Innodb ; | 1.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 12011 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table failed_jobs engine=Innodb ; | 8.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 12595 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201707 engine=Innodb ; | 2.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 16019 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_course_repair_log engine=Innodb ; | 50.90625000 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 16955 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order_period_warning engine=Innodb ; | 3.84375000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 17711 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table send_msg_log engine=Innodb ; | 3.40625000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 19140 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table back_period_log engine=Innodb ; | 2.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 22785 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_finance engine=Innodb ; | 2.50000000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 23018 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201711 engine=Innodb ; | 2.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 23263 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201710 engine=Innodb ; | 2.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 24336 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_cancel_request engine=Innodb ; | 5.03125000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 25585 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201708 engine=Innodb ; | 3.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 29830 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_course_error_log engine=Innodb ; | 22.06250000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 31661 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order_paymenttype_changed_logs engine=Innodb ; | 5.50000000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 33330 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201801 engine=Innodb ; | 4.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 40481 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201712 engine=Innodb ; | 4.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 41839 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_teaching_award_list engine=Innodb ; | 6.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 45883 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_base_finance_log engine=Innodb ; | 13.57812500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 56640 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201802 engine=Innodb ; | 6.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 59748 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table withdraw engine=Innodb ; | 23.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 61167 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201803 engine=Innodb ; | 7.51562500 | InnoDB | 3145728 | 69367 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_student_period engine=Innodb ; | 8.03125000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 74849 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201804 engine=Innodb ; | 8.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 80023 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201805 engine=Innodb ; | 8.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 83745 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_course engine=Innodb ; | 11.03125000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 90741 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201809 engine=Innodb ; | 9.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 92332 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201806 engine=Innodb ; | 9.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 94333 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order_credit_info engine=Innodb ; | 45.07812500 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 97368 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201810 engine=Innodb ; | 15.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 155869 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201807 engine=Innodb ; | 15.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 156100 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201811 engine=Innodb ; | 16.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 159868 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201905 engine=Innodb ; | 17.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 170079 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201902 engine=Innodb ; | 17.51562500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 175909 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order_period_warning_info engine=Innodb ; | 24.54687500 | InnoDB | 6291456 | 178991 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201812 engine=Innodb ; | 19.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 194860 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201808 engine=Innodb ; | 20.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 203676 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201904 engine=Innodb ; | 20.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 204831 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201903 engine=Innodb ; | 21.54687500 | InnoDB | 3145728 | 218756 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_history_201901 engine=Innodb ; | 22.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 219717 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_finance engine=Innodb ; | 28.54687500 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 368189 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table course_real_period_log engine=Innodb ; | 79.03125000 | InnoDB | 5242880 | 404931 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table course_real_period engine=Innodb ; | 71.04687500 | InnoDB | 5242880 | 406539 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table audition_order engine=Innodb ; | 179.03125000 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 548999 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table inform_order engine=Innodb ; | 429.85937500 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 648426 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_full_time_finance_log engine=Innodb ; | 136.79687500 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 700182 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_all_time_finance_log engine=Innodb ; | 137.79687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 712279 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period_cancel_logs engine=Innodb ; | 90.14062500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 841515 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table course_order engine=Innodb ; | 377.00000000 | InnoDB | 6291456 | 1113689 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order engine=Innodb ; | 547.34375000 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 1121134 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order_status_log engine=Innodb ; | 137.28125000 | InnoDB | 5242880 | 1182890 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_finance_log engine=Innodb ; | 171.21875000 | InnoDB | 5242880 | 1349596 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table uid_to_sale engine=Innodb ; | 122.98437500 | InnoDB | 6291456 | 1480265 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table period_msg_to_teacher engine=Innodb ; | 424.75000000 | InnoDB | 6291456 | 2183860 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_course_remark engine=Innodb ; | 2983.00000000 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 2226556 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_period engine=Innodb ; | 386.21875000 | InnoDB | 6291456 | 2344035 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_part_time_finance_log engine=Innodb ; | 645.54687500 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 3224173 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_subsidy_detail engine=Innodb ; | 827.20312500 | InnoDB | 6291456 | 3812535 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table student_course_log engine=Innodb ; | 816.54687500 | InnoDB | 4194304 | 4489196 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table teacher_finance_log engine=Innodb ; | 1449.75000000 | InnoDB | 5242880 | 6493046 |
| testdbs_students001 | alter table order_update_log engine=Innodb ; | 1088.00000000 | InnoDB | 7340032 | 7501555 |
66 rows in set (0.02 sec) mysql>


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