



关于这一类问题也有个结论,是说,先手必败的状态一定形如$(\left \lfloor i+\phi \right \rfloor,\left \lfloor i+\phi^{2} \right \rfloor)$,然后$\phi=\frac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2}$


using namespace std;
#define il inline
#define gc getchar()
#define ri register int
#define rb register bool
#define rc register char
#define rp(i,x,y) for(ri i=x;i<=y;++i) const double phi=(sqrt()+)/; il int read()
rc ch=gc;ri x=;rb y=;
while(ch!='-' && (ch>'' || ch<''))ch=gc;
while(ch>='' && ch<='')x=(x<<)+(x<<)+(ch^''),ch=gc;
return y?x:-x;
int main()
ri a=read(),b=read();if(a>b)swap(a,b);ri tmp=(b-a)*phi;
if(tmp==a)printf("0\n");else printf("1\n");
return ;


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