
模式匹配是一种根据模式检查值的机制。它是switch(Java中语句)的更强大版本,它同样可以用来代替一系列if / else语句。

  • 句法


import scala.util.Random

val x: Int = Random.nextInt(10)

x match {
case 0 => "zero"
case 1 => "one"
case 2 => "two"
case _ => "other"

  val x上面是0和10之间的随机整数,x成为的左操作数match运算符和右边是与4箱子的表达式。最后一种情况(_)是任何其他可能Int值的“全部捕获”情况。案件也被称为替代品

  • 匹配案例类


abstract class Notification//抽象超类

case class Email(sender: String, title: String, body: String) extends Notification

case class SMS(caller: String, message: String) extends Notification

case class VoiceRecording(contactName: String, link: String) extends Notification


def showNotification(notification: Notification): String = {
notification match {
case Email(sender, title, _) =>
s"You got an email from $sender with title: $title"
case SMS(number, message) =>
s"You got an SMS from $number! Message: $message"
case VoiceRecording(name, link) =>
s"you received a Voice Recording from $name! Click the link to hear it: $link"
val someSms = SMS("12345", "Are you there?")
val someVoiceRecording = VoiceRecording("Tom", "voicerecording.org/id/123") println(showNotification(someSmps)) println(showNotification(someVoiceRecording))

  该函数showNotification作为参数的抽象类型Notification和类型相匹配Notification(即,它计算出它是否是一个EmailSMSVoiceRecording)。在case Email(sender, title, _)字段中sender并且title在返回值中使用但是body忽略该字段_

  • 模式守护

模式保护只是布尔表达式,用于使案例更具体。只需if <boolean expression>在模式后添加。

def showImportantNotification(notification: Notification, importantPeopleInfo: Seq[String]): String = {
notification match {
case Email(sender, _, _) if importantPeopleInfo.contains(sender) =>
"You got an email from special someone!"
case SMS(number, _) if importantPeopleInfo.contains(number) =>
"You got an SMS from special someone!"
case other =>
} val importantPeopleInfo = Seq("867-5309", "jenny@gmail.com") val someSms = SMS("867-5309", "Are you there?")
val someVoiceRecording = VoiceRecording("Tom", "voicerecording.org/id/123")
val importantEmail = Email("jenny@gmail.com", "Drinks tonight?", "I'm free after 5!")
val importantSms = SMS("867-5309", "I'm here! Where are you?") println(showImportantNotification(someSms, importantPeopleInfo))
println(showImportantNotification(someVoiceRecording, importantPeopleInfo))
println(showImportantNotification(importantEmail, importantPeopleInfo))
println(showImportantNotification(importantSms, importantPeopleInfo))

  在图中case Email(sender, _, _) if importantPeopleInfo.contains(sender),只有sender在重要人物列表中才匹配模式。

  • 仅在类型上匹配
abstract class Device
case class Phone(model: String) extends Device{
def screenOff = "Turning screen off"
case class Computer(model: String) extends Device {
def screenSaverOn = "Turning screen saver on..."
} def goIdle(device: Device) = device match {
case p: Phone => p.screenOff
case c: Computer => c.screenSaverOn

  def goIdle具有不同的行为取决于类型Device。当案例需要在模式上调用方法时,这很有用。它是使用类型的情况下标识(第一个字母的公约pc在这种情况下)。

  • 密封课程


sealed abstract class Furniture
case class Couch() extends Furniture
case class Chair() extends Furniture def findPlaceToSit(piece: Furniture): String = piece match {
case a: Couch => "Lie on the couch"
case b: Chair => "Sit on the chair"



  • 定义案例类

最小的案例类需要关键字case class,标识符和参数列表(可能为空):

case class Book(isbn: String)

val frankenstein = Book("912-0111182114")



case class Message(sender: String, recipient: String, body: String)
val message1 = Message("guillaume@quebec.ca", "jorge@catalonia.es", "Ça va ?") println(message1.sender) //合法的
message1.sender = "travis@washington.us" // 不合法的



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