


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ls(p) p << 1
#define rs(p) p << 1 | 1
const int M = 1e5 + ;
int n, m, cnt;
int rt[M];
struct node{
int fa, ch[], val, cnt, sz, lazy;
bool ident(int x, int f) {
return spl[f].ch[] == x;
void connect(int x, int f, int s){
spl[f].ch[s] = x;
spl[x].fa = f;
void update(int now) {
spl[now].sz = spl[spl[now].ch[]].sz + spl[spl[now].ch[]].sz + spl[now].cnt;
void push_down(int now) {
if(!spl[now].lazy) return;
swap(spl[now].ch[], spl[now].ch[]);
spl[spl[now].ch[]].lazy ^= ;
spl[spl[now].ch[]].lazy ^= ;
spl[now].lazy = ;
void rotate(int x) {
int f = spl[x].fa, ff = spl[f].fa, k = ident(x, f);
connect(spl[x].ch[k ^ ], f, k);
connect(x, ff, ident(f, ff));
connect(f, x, k ^ );
update(f), update(x);
void splaying(int p, int x, int top) {
if(!top) rt[p] = x;
//printf("top = %d\n", top);
while(spl[x].fa != top) {
//if(num <= 5) num++, printf("\n%d %d\n", x, top);
int f = spl[x].fa, ff = spl[f].fa;
if(ff != top) ident(f, ff) ^ ident(x, f) ? rotate(x) : rotate(f);
int find_r(int now) {
while(spl[now].ch[]) {
now = spl[now].ch[];
return now;
int find_l(int now) {
while(spl[now].ch[]) {
now = spl[now].ch[];
return now;
void newnode(int now, int val) {
spl[now].val = val;
spl[now].sz = ;
spl[now].cnt = ;
spl[now].ch[] = ;
spl[now].ch[] = ;
spl[now].fa = ;
spl[now].lazy = ;
void work(){
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++) {
rt[i] = i;
newnode(i, i);
for(int i = ; i <= m; i++) {
int u, v;
scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
if(!rt[u]) {
rt[u] = rt[v];
spl[rt[u]].lazy ^= ;
rt[v] = ;
else if(!rt[v]) {
spl[rt[u]].lazy ^= ;
else {
int r = find_r(rt[u]);
splaying(u, r, );
//printf("1 \n");
int l = find_l(rt[v]);
splaying(v, l, );
connect(l, r, );
spl[rt[u]].lazy ^= ;
rt[v] = ;
void out(int now){
if(!now) return;
printf("%d ", spl[now].val);
int main(){
while(~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)){
cnt = ;
printf("%d ", spl[rt[]].sz);
if(spl[rt[]].sz) out(rt[]);
return ;
999 5
99 8
8 99
99 8
7 99
1 7
999 5
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7


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