从下面分析可以看出,是先做了hash计算,然后使用hash join table来讲hash值相等的数据合并在一起。然后再使用udf计算距离,最后再filter出满足阈值的数据:

* Join two datasets to approximately find all pairs of rows whose distance are smaller than
* the threshold. If the [[outputCol]] is missing, the method will transform the data; if the
* [[outputCol]] exists, it will use the [[outputCol]]. This allows caching of the transformed
* data when necessary.
* @param datasetA One of the datasets to join.
* @param datasetB Another dataset to join.
* @param threshold The threshold for the distance of row pairs.
* @param distCol Output column for storing the distance between each pair of rows.
* @return A joined dataset containing pairs of rows. The original rows are in columns
* "datasetA" and "datasetB", and a column "distCol" is added to show the distance
* between each pair.
def approxSimilarityJoin(
datasetA: Dataset[_],
datasetB: Dataset[_],
threshold: Double,
distCol: String): Dataset[_] = { val leftColName = "datasetA"
val rightColName = "datasetB"
val explodeCols = Seq("entry", "hashValue")
val explodedA = processDataset(datasetA, leftColName, explodeCols) // If this is a self join, we need to recreate the inputCol of datasetB to avoid ambiguity.
// TODO: Remove recreateCol logic once SPARK-17154 is resolved.
val explodedB = if (datasetA != datasetB) {
processDataset(datasetB, rightColName, explodeCols)
} else {
val recreatedB = recreateCol(datasetB, $(inputCol), s"${$(inputCol)}#${Random.nextString(5)}")
processDataset(recreatedB, rightColName, explodeCols)
} // Do a hash join on where the exploded hash values are equal.
val joinedDataset = explodedA.join(explodedB, explodeCols)
.drop(explodeCols: _*).distinct() // Add a new column to store the distance of the two rows.
val distUDF = udf((x: Vector, y: Vector) => keyDistance(x, y), DataTypes.DoubleType)
val joinedDatasetWithDist = joinedDataset.select(col("*"),
distUDF(col(s"$leftColName.${$(inputCol)}"), col(s"$rightColName.${$(inputCol)}")).as(distCol)
) // Filter the joined datasets where the distance are smaller than the threshold.
joinedDatasetWithDist.filter(col(distCol) < threshold)


sql join 算法 时间复杂度

2016年08月26日 12:04:34 stevewongbuaa 阅读数 2477





SELECT  T1.name, T2.date
WHERE T1.id=T2.id
AND T1.color='red'
AND T2.type='CAR'

假设T1有m行,T2有n行,那么,普通情况下,应该要遍历T1的每一行的id(m),然后在遍历T2(n)中找出T2.id = T1.id的行进行join。时间复杂度应该是O(m*n)

如果没有索引的话,engine会选择hash join或者merge join进行优化。

hash join是这样的:

  1. 选择被哈希的表,通常是小一点的表。让我们愉快地假定是T1更小吧。
  2. T1所有的记录都被遍历。如果记录符合color=’red’,这条记录就会进去哈希表,以id为key,以name为value。
  3. T2所有的记录被遍历。如果记录符合type=’CAR’,使用这条记录的id去搜索哈希表,所有命中的记录的name的值,都被返回,还带上了当前记录的date的值,这样就可以把两者join起来了。


merge join是这样的:

1.复制T1(id, name),根据id排序。
2.复制T2(id, date),根据id排序。

    >1 2<
2 3
2 4
3 5


>1  2<  - 不match, 左指针小,左指针++
2 3
2 4
3 5 1 2< - match, 返回记录,两个指针都++
>2 3
2 4
3 5 1 2 - match, 返回记录,两个指针都++
2 3<
2 4
>3 5 1 2 - 左指针越界,查询结束。
2 3
2 4<
3 5





SELECT  T1.name, T2.date




可以看到 hashFunction 涉及到indices 字段下表的计算。另外的distance计算使用了jaccard相似度。


* :: Experimental ::
* Model produced by [[MinHashLSH]], where multiple hash functions are stored. Each hash function
* is picked from the following family of hash functions, where a_i and b_i are randomly chosen
* integers less than prime:
* `h_i(x) = ((x \cdot a_i + b_i) \mod prime)`
* This hash family is approximately min-wise independent according to the reference.
* Reference:
* Tom Bohman, Colin Cooper, and Alan Frieze. "Min-wise independent linear permutations."
* Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 7 (2000): R26.
* @param randCoefficients Pairs of random coefficients. Each pair is used by one hash function.
class MinHashLSHModel private[ml](
override val uid: String,
private[ml] val randCoefficients: Array[(Int, Int)])
extends LSHModel[MinHashLSHModel] { /** @group setParam */
override def setInputCol(value: String): this.type = super.set(inputCol, value) /** @group setParam */
override def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = super.set(outputCol, value) @Since("2.1.0")
override protected[ml] def hashFunction(elems: Vector): Array[Vector] = {
require(elems.numNonzeros > 0, "Must have at least 1 non zero entry.")
val elemsList = elems.toSparse.indices.toList
val hashValues = randCoefficients.map { case (a, b) =>
elemsList.map { elem: Int =>
((1L + elem) * a + b) % MinHashLSH.HASH_PRIME
// TODO: Output vectors of dimension numHashFunctions in SPARK-18450
} @Since("2.1.0")
override protected[ml] def keyDistance(x: Vector, y: Vector): Double = {
val xSet = x.toSparse.indices.toSet
val ySet = y.toSparse.indices.toSet
val intersectionSize = xSet.intersect(ySet).size.toDouble
val unionSize = xSet.size + ySet.size - intersectionSize
assert(unionSize > 0, "The union of two input sets must have at least 1 elements")
1 - intersectionSize / unionSize
} @Since("2.1.0")
override protected[ml] def hashDistance(x: Seq[Vector], y: Seq[Vector]): Double = {
// Since it's generated by hashing, it will be a pair of dense vectors.
// TODO: This hashDistance function requires more discussion in SPARK-18454
x.zip(y).map(vectorPair =>
vectorPair._1.toArray.zip(vectorPair._2.toArray).count(pair => pair._1 != pair._2)
} @Since("2.1.0")
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): MinHashLSHModel = {
val copied = new MinHashLSHModel(uid, randCoefficients).setParent(parent)
copyValues(copied, extra)
} @Since("2.1.0")
override def write: MLWriter = new MinHashLSHModel.MinHashLSHModelWriter(this)



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