最近总是在搭建 samba 环境,写在笔记上记录下以备后用,长时间不操作了肯定会忘记。

Linux 版本:Ubuntu 18.04


1. 安装:
  sudo apt-get install samba 2. 修改配置文件:
  sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf 3. 具体修改内容如下:   [samba]
  comment = Users profiles
  path = "共享路径,如: /home"
  guest ok = no
  browseable = yes
  writable = yes
  create mask = 0766
  directory mask = 0766   #[printers]
  # comment = All Printers
  # browseable = no
  # path = /var/spool/samba
  # printable = yes
  # guest ok = no
  # read only = yes
  # create mask = 0700   # Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
  # printer drivers
  # comment = Printer Drivers
  # path = /var/lib/samba/printers
  # browseable = yes
  # read only = yes
  # guest ok = no 4. 添加 samba 用户:
  smbpasswd -a "用户名" 5. 重启 samba 服务器:
  sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart

至此,samba 服务器配置成功,在 windows 下即可以 \\samba IP 的形式进行访问,如在我的电脑的地址栏填入 \\,随后进入到 samba 的共享目录,验证的帐号密码即如配置步骤 4 所设。


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