


 #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @File : batch_swig_runner.py
# @Time : 2019/7/8 18:09
# @Author : KuLiuheng
# @Email : liuheng.klh@alibaba-inc.com from swig_runner import SwigRunner import time
import logging
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Pool class TestRunner(Thread):
def __init__(self, name, path):
super(TestRunner, self).__init__()
self.name = name
self.path = path def run(self):
logging.warning("Message from the thread-%s START" % self.name)
for i in range(10000000): # 耗时操作模拟
j = int(i) * 10.1
# time.sleep(1)
logging.warning("Message from the thread-%s END" % self.name)
return self.path def multi_process(mname, mpath):
logging.warning("Message from the thread-%s START" % mname)
for i in range(10000000): # 耗时操作模拟
j = int(i) * 10.1
# time.sleep(1)
logging.warning("Message from the thread-%s END" % mname) class BatchSwigRunner(object):
def __init__(self, modules=None):
用模块信息字典(工程名: 工程路径)来初始化
:param modules: {工程名: 工程路径}
if modules is not None:
self._modules = modules
self._modules = dict() def add_module_info(self, name, path):
self._modules[name] = path def start(self):
:return: list(工程序号,工程名称) 出错的工程信息列表
runners = list()
for (project_name, project_path) in self._modules.items():
# logging.warning('BatchSwigRunner.start() [%s][%s]' % (project_name, project_path))
sub_runner = TestRunner(project_name, project_path)
sub_runner.daemon = True
runners.append(sub_runner) for runner in runners:
runner.join() if __name__ == '__main__':
batch_runner = BatchSwigRunner()
batch_runner.add_module_info('name1', 'path1')
batch_runner.add_module_info('name2', 'path2')
batch_runner.add_module_info('name3', 'path3')
batch_runner.add_module_info('name4', 'path4')
start_time = time.time()
batch_runner.start() print 'Total time comsumed = %.2fs' % (time.time() - start_time) print('========================================')
start_time = time.time() for index in range(4):
logging.warning("Message from the times-%d START" % index)
for i in range(10000000): # 耗时操作模拟
j = int(i) * 10.1
# time.sleep(1)
logging.warning("Message from the times-%d END" % index) print '>>Total time comsumed = %.2fs' % (time.time() - start_time) print('----------------------------------------------')
start_time = time.time() pool = Pool(processes=4)
for i in range(4):
pool.apply_async(multi_process, ('name++%d' % i, 'path++%d' % i))
print '>>>> Total time comsumed = %.2fs' % (time.time() - start_time)


C:\Python27\python.exe E:/VirtualShare/gitLab/GBL-310/GBL/AutoJNI/autoTool/common/batch_swig_runner.py
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name4 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name2 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name3 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name1 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name2 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name4 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name3 END
Total time comsumed = 15.92s
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name1 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-0 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-0 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-1 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-1 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-2 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-2 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-3 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-3 END
>>Total time comsumed = 11.59s
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++0 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++1 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++2 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++3 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++1 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++0 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++2 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++3 END
>>>> Total time comsumed = 5.69s Process finished with exit code 0

  其运行速度是(计算密集型):multiprocessing > normal > threading.Thread


for i in range(10000000):   # 耗时操作模拟
j = int(i) * 10.1

  如果用空等待(time.sleep(1)类似IO等待)来模拟耗时操作,那么结果就是(IO等待型):threading.Thread > multiprocessing > normal

C:\Python27\python.exe E:/VirtualShare/gitLab/GBL-310/GBL/AutoJNI/autoTool/common/batch_swig_runner.py
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name4 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name2 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name3 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name1 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name3 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name4 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name2 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name1 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-0 START
Total time comsumed = 1.01s
WARNING:root:Message from the times-0 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-1 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-1 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-2 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-2 END
WARNING:root:Message from the times-3 START
WARNING:root:Message from the times-3 END
>>Total time comsumed = 4.00s
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++0 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++1 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++2 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++3 START
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++0 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++1 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++2 END
WARNING:root:Message from the thread-name++3 END
>>>> Total time comsumed = 1.73s Process finished with exit code 0





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