

版本:React 17,react-router-dom 5




// 缓存状态
export const CREATE = 'CREATE'; // 创建
export const CREATED = 'CREATED'; // 创建成功
export const ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE'; // 激活
export const DESTROY = 'DESTROY'; // 销毁


import React from 'react';
const CacheContext = React.createContext();
export default CacheContext;


 1 import React, { useReducer, useCallback } from "react";
2 import CacheContext from "./CacheContext";
3 import cacheReducer from "./cacheReducer";
4 import * as cacheTypes from "./cache-types";
5 function KeepAliveProvider(props) {
6 let [cacheStates, dispatch] = useReducer(cacheReducer, {});
7 const mount = useCallback(
8 ({ cacheId, element }) => {
9 // 挂载元素方法,提供子组件调用挂载元素
10 if (cacheStates[cacheId]) {
11 let cacheState = cacheStates[cacheId];
12 if (cacheState.status === cacheTypes.DESTROY) {
13 let doms = cacheState.doms;
14 doms.forEach((dom) => dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom));
15 dispatch({ type: cacheTypes.CREATE, payload: { cacheId, element } }); // 创建缓存
16 }
17 } else {
18 dispatch({ type: cacheTypes.CREATE, payload: { cacheId, element } }); // 创建缓存
19 }
20 },
21 [cacheStates]
22 );
23 let handleScroll = useCallback(
24 // 缓存滚动条
25 (cacheId, { target }) => {
26 if (cacheStates[cacheId]) {
27 let scrolls = cacheStates[cacheId].scrolls;
28 scrolls[target] = target.scrollTop;
29 }
30 },
31 [cacheStates]
32 );
33 return (
34 <CacheContext.Provider
35 value={{ mount, cacheStates, dispatch, handleScroll }}
36 >
37 {props.children}
38 {/* cacheStates维护所有缓存信息, dispatch派发修改缓存状态*/}
39 {Object.values(cacheStates)
40 .filter((cacheState) => cacheState.status !== cacheTypes.DESTROY)
41 .map(({ cacheId, element }) => (
42 <div
43 id={`cache_${cacheId}`}
44 key={cacheId}
45 // 原生div中声明ref,当div渲染到页面,会执行ref中的回调函数,这里在id为cache_${cacheId}的div渲染完成后,会继续渲染子元素
46 ref={(dom) => {
47 let cacheState = cacheStates[cacheId];
48 if (
49 dom &&
50 (!cacheState.doms || cacheState.status === cacheTypes.DESTROY)
51 ) {
52 let doms = Array.from(dom.childNodes);
53 dispatch({
54 type: cacheTypes.CREATED,
55 payload: { cacheId, doms },
56 });
57 }
58 }}
59 >
60 {element}
61 </div>
62 ))}
63 </CacheContext.Provider>
64 );
65 }
66 const useCacheContext = () => {
67 const context = React.useContext(CacheContext);
68 if (!context) {
69 throw new Error("useCacheContext必须在Provider中使用");
70 }
71 return context;
72 };
73 export { KeepAliveProvider, useCacheContext };


 1 import React, { useContext, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
2 import CacheContext from "./CacheContext";
3 import * as cacheTypes from "./cache-types";
4 function withKeepAlive(
5 OldComponent,
6 { cacheId = window.location.pathname, scroll = false }
7 ) {
8 return function (props) {
9 const { mount, cacheStates, dispatch, handleScroll } =
10 useContext(CacheContext);
11 const ref = useRef(null);
12 useEffect(() => {
13 if (scroll) {
14 // scroll = true, 监听缓存组件的滚动事件,调用handleScroll()缓存滚动条
15 ref.current.addEventListener(
16 "scroll",
17 handleScroll.bind(null, cacheId),
18 true
19 );
20 }
21 }, [handleScroll]);
22 useEffect(() => {
23 let cacheState = cacheStates[cacheId];
24 if (
25 cacheState &&
26 cacheState.doms &&
27 cacheState.status !== cacheTypes.DESTROY
28 ) {
29 // 如果真实dom已经存在,且状态不是DESTROY,则用当前的真实dom
30 let doms = cacheState.doms;
31 doms.forEach((dom) => ref.current.appendChild(dom));
32 if (scroll) {
33 // 如果scroll = true, 则将缓存中的scrollTop拿出来赋值给当前dom
34 doms.forEach((dom) => {
35 if (cacheState.scrolls[dom])
36 dom.scrollTop = cacheState.scrolls[dom];
37 });
38 }
39 } else {
40 // 如果还没产生真实dom,派发生成
41 mount({
42 cacheId,
43 element: <OldComponent {...props} dispatch={dispatch} />,
44 });
45 }
46 }, [cacheStates, dispatch, mount, props]);
47 return <div id={`keepalive_${cacheId}`} ref={ref} />;
48 };
49 }
50 export default withKeepAlive;


export { KeepAliveProvider } from "./KeepAliveProvider";
export {default as withKeepAlive} from './withKeepAlive';






 1 import React from "react";
2 import {
3 BrowserRouter,
4 Link,
5 Route,
6 Switch,
7 } from "react-router-dom";
8 import Home from "./Home.js";
9 import List from "./List.js";
10 import Detail from "./Detail.js";
11 import { KeepAliveProvider, withKeepAlive } from "./keepalive-cpn";
13 const KeepAliveList = withKeepAlive(List, { cacheId: "list", scroll: true });
15 function App() {
16 return (
17 <KeepAliveProvider>
18 <BrowserRouter>
19 <ul>
20 <li>
21 <Link to="/">首页</Link>
22 </li>
23 <li>
24 <Link to="/list">列表页</Link>
25 </li>
26 <li>
27 <Link to="/detail">详情页A</Link>
28 </li>
29 </ul>
30 <Switch>
31 <Route path="/" component={Home} exact></Route>
32 <Route path="/list" component={KeepAliveList}></Route>
33 <Route path="/detail" component={Detail}></Route>
34 </Switch>
35 </BrowserRouter>
36 </KeepAliveProvider>
37 );
38 }
40 export default App;





 1 import React, { useEffect } from "react";
2 import { DESTROY } from "./keepalive-cpn/cache-types";
3 import { useCacheContext } from "./keepalive-cpn/KeepAliveProvider";
5 const Home = () => {
6 const { cacheStates, dispatch } = useCacheContext();
8 const clearCache = () => {
9 if (cacheStates && dispatch) {
10 for (let key in cacheStates) {
11 if (key === "list") {
12 dispatch({ type: DESTROY, payload: { cacheId: key } });
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 };
17 useEffect(() => {
18 clearCache();
19 // eslint-disable-next-line
20 }, []);
21 return (
22 <div>
23 <div>首页</div>
24 </div>
25 );
26 };
28 export default Home;





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