1. ognl获取bean

SpringContextUtil,通常代码中会有类似这样的工具类用来获取 bean 实例

public class SpringContextUtil implements ApplicationContextAware { private static ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Override
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
SpringContextUtil.applicationContext = applicationContext;
} public static Object getBean(String beanName) {
return applicationContext.getBean(beanName);
} public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) {
return applicationContext.getBean(clazz);


public class UserController { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserController.class); @GetMapping("/user/{id}")
public User getUser(@PathVariable Integer id) { if (null == id) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id can not be null");
if (id < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id must be greater than 1");
} return new User(id, "zhangsan");

使用 arthas 连接 spring 应用,执行如下操作:

  1. 查找全类名

    sc *SpringContextUtil
  2. 查找类加载器

    sc -d *SpringContextUtil | grep classLoaderHash
  3. 使用ognl表达式获取bean,并调用方法

    > ognl -c 18b4aac2 '@com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.util.SpringContextUtil@getBean("userController").getUser(2)'

2. watch观测方法调用

# 查看 UserController 下所有方法的 参数、对象、返回值
watch com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController * '{params,target,returnObj}'

watch 支持方法调用前、调用后、异常抛出等多个场景观测,同时还可以在第四个参数中使用条件进行过滤,比如:

watch com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController * '{returnObj}' 'params[0]>10'
watch com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController * '{returnObj}' '#cost>10'

3. 热更新

步骤:使用jad反编译 -> 修改文件 -> 使用mc重新编译修改后的文件->使用redefine加载重新编译后的类

上述 UserController 访问 user/0,会出现如下错误:

There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).

id must be greater than 1


  1. 反编译 UserController

    # --source-only 只输出源码
    jad --source-only com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController > UserController.java
  2. 修改编译后的文件

    package com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web;
    import com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.model.User;
    import com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.util.SpringContextUtil;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @RestController
    public class UserController {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserController.class); @GetMapping(value={"/user/{id}"})
    public User getUser(@PathVariable Integer id) {
    if (null == id) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("id can not be null");
    if (id < 1) {
    // throw new IllegalArgumentException("id must be greater than 1");
    return new User(id, "lisi"+id);
    return new User(id, "zhangsan");
  3. 重新编译

    # 使用mc重新编译修改后的文件,这里需要使用 -c 指定类加载器
    sc -d com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController | grep classLoaderHash
    mc -c 18b4aac2 UserController.java


  4. 使用redefine重新加载

    # redefine 后面使用上一步的路径,需要将 \ 转成 /
    redefine ../UserController.class

  5. 更新后结果

4. 更新日志级别


sc -d *UserController | grep classLoaderHas


ognl -c 18b4aac2 '@com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController@LOGGER'

更新日志级别为 DEBUG

ognl -c 18b4aac2 '@com.soulballad.usage.arthasdemo.web.UserController@LOGGER.setLevel(@ch.qos.logback.classic.Level@DEBUG)'


5. tt获取spring上下文

执行 tt 命令来记录 RequestMappingHandlerAdapter#invokeHandlerMethod 的请求

tt -t org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter invokeHandlerMethod

然后访问 user/1,arthas 会记录访问时间片(time fragment)

可以用 tt 命令的 -i 参数来指定index,并且用 -w 参数来执行ognl表达式来获取spring context:

tt -i 1000 -w 'target.getApplicationContext()'

可以从 applicationContext 中获取 bean,触发方法调用

tt -i 1000 -w 'target.getApplicationContext().getBean("userController").getUser(2)'

6. 链接


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