
Ubuntu 20.04 focal



one of the more common causes of this exception is a missing or corrupt installation of a Java Access Bridge. In this case, the following access bridge has been defined in standard configuration file (JDK_HOME/jre/lib/accessibility.properties):


But it won't actually be operative unless the required installation is complete. Note that the standard access bridge implementation does not come packages with the SDK. To fix your particular issue, download and install the Oracle Access Bridge by following instructions from their setup page. That should resolve the startup error occurring in your program.

根据上述内容,我们可以在Oracle官网下载安装这个 Java Access Bridge解决此问题,安装说明 setup page.

当然,也可以直接禁用掉这个assistive technology,因此,最行之有效且方便的解决方案如下(对于通过apt安装的openjdk而言):




# assistive_technologies=org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper


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