形容词用来描述名词或代词;副词用来描述剩下的(动词、形容词、副词和整句)。adverb: to word.

Adjectives are used almost exclusively to modify nouns, as well as any phrase or part of speech [词性] functioning as a noun. For example: 'Excellent writing is required for this job.' (Excellent modifies the gerund [动名词] writing.) infinitive: 不定式。

Adjectives are broken down into two basic syntactic [语法的] categories: attributive [属性] and predicative. predicate: 谓语,如'Life if short.'中的is short. Predicate Logic and Propositional Logic: 谓词逻辑与命题逻辑。proposition者,statement也。不是介词逻辑。

Adjectives that appear directly before (or sometimes directly after) the noun or pronoun they modify are known as attributive adjectives. For example, '1. The black dog is barking.' '2. That's something new.'

Predicative adjectives, on the other hand, always appear after the noun they modify, connected to it by a linking verb. For example, '3. The dog was black.'

In 1), black is an attributive adjective. It is part of the noun phrase [名词短语] and is not connected to the noun dog by a linking verb. In 3), black is a predicative adjective. It follows dog, the noun that it modifies, and is connected to it by the linking verb was.

While adjectives usually modify nouns, they can also modify pronouns. This most commonly occurs when adjectives are predicative. For example:
'That was great!'
'She is very nice.'
'A few were late.'

Attributive adjectives can also modify indefinite pronouns, as in:
'A happy few were able to attend the show.'
'They were the lucky ones.'

In informal speech or writing, it is not uncommon to modify personal pronouns attributively, as in:
'Wow, lucky you!'
'Silly me, I forgot to turn on the oven.'
However, avoid using attributive adjectives with personal pronouns in anything other than casual conversation or writing.

We often use multiple adjectives to modify the same noun or pronoun. Note that these are not compound adjectives [复合形容词] or adjective phrases [形容词短语], but rather individual adjectives [个体形容词] that work independently [独立地] to modify the same word. To avoid unnatural-sounding sentences when we use more than one adjective in this way, we put them in a specific order according to the type of description they provide. This is known as the order of adjectives:
1. Opinion (good, bad, strange, lovely)
2. Measurement (big, small, tiny, huge)
3. Shape (curved, straight, round, square)
4. Condition (wet, dry, clean, sad, happy)
5. Age (old, young, new, ancient)
6. Color (red, yellowish, transparent, blue)
7. Pattern (checked, striped, plaid, flowered)
8. Origin (American, British, eastern, western)
9. Material (wooden, plastic, steel, cloth)
10. Purpose (sleeping, shopping, work, gardening)

While we would almost never use a sentence with so many adjectives in a row, it’s very common to use two or three. In this case, we generally must follow the order above, as in:
'I bought an enormous rectangular Turkish rug on my vacation.'
'It is a long, heavy table.'


We can also use adjectives to create comparisons [比较] between two or more people or things, or to identify someone or something with the highest (or lowest) degree of some quality. To do this, we inflect (change the form of) the adjective to create comparative adjectives or superlative adjectives. For example:
'I am strong.' (basic adjective)
'John is stronger than I am.' (comparative adjective)
'Janet is the strongest of us all.' (superlative adjective)
This process of changing an adjective’s form is known as the Degrees of Comparison; go to that section in this chapter to learn more.

Ross: Chandler?! You brought Chandler?! The next best thing would be Monica!
Chandler: You know, I would be offended, but Monica is freakishly strong.

Stuart: Ohh. Sheldon, I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong.
Sheldon: More wrong? (slowly and in a somewhat intimidating way) Wrong is an absolute state and not subject to gradation.
Stuart: Of course it is. It's a little wrong to say a tomato is a vegetable. It's very wrong to say it's a suspension bridge.
Stuart: You can throw all the French around you want, it doesn't make you right. [adjective的词源是to throw]
Sheldon: Au contraire. [On the contrary]

Sheldon: Someone touched my board. Oh, God, my board... Someone tampered my equations... That fixes the problem I've been having.
Sheldon: Hold on. Hooold on!
Lesli: There are no incorrect equations on my board.
Sheldon: Oh, that is so, so, so...
Lesli: I'm sorry, I gotta [have got to] run. If you come up with an adjective, text me.
Sheldon: Inconsiderate. That is the adjective, "inconsiderate." (starts to text her)


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