• 原题如下:

    Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
    Total Submissions: 4937   Accepted: 1086


    A student named Round Square loved to play with cones. He would arrange cones with different base radii arbitrarily on the floor and would admire the intrinsic beauty of the arrangement. The student even began theorizing about how some cones dominate other cones: a cone A dominates another cone B when cone B is completely within the cone A. Furthermore, he noted that there are some cones that not only dominate others, but are themselves dominated, thus creating complex domination relations. After studying the intricate relations of the cones in more depth, the student reached an important conclusion: there exist some cones, all-powerful cones, that have unique properties: an all-powerful cone is not dominated by any other cone. The student became so impressed by the mightiness of the all-powerful cones that he decided to worship these all-powerful cones.

    Unfortunately, after having arranged a huge number of cones and having worked hard on developing this grandiose cone theory, the student become quite confused with all these cones, and he now fears that he might worship the wrong cones (what if there is an evil cone that tries to trick the student into worshiping it?). You need to help this student by finding the cones he should worship.


    The input le specifies an arrangement of the cones. There are in total N cones (1 ≤ N ≤ 40000). Cone i has radius and height equal to Rii = 1 … N. Each cone is hollow on the inside and has no base, so it can be placed over another cone with smaller radius. No two cones touch.

    The first line of the input contains the integer N. The next N lines each contain three real numbers Rixiyi separated by spaces, where (xiyi) are the coordinates of the center of the base of cone i.


    The first line of the output le should contain the number of cones that the student should worship. The second line contains the indices of the cones that the student should worship in increasing order. Two consecutive numbers should be separated by a single space.

    Sample Input

    1 0 -2
    3 0 3
    10 0 0
    1 0 1.5
    10 50 50

    Sample Output

    3 5
  • 题解:由于有任意两圆都没有公共点这一条件,要判断一个圆是否在其他圆的内部,只要判断其圆心是否在其他圆内即可。这样判断每个圆是否是最外层的复杂度为O(N),因此很容易得到O(N2)复杂度的算法。而利用平面扫描技术可以得到更为高效的算法。
  • 代码:
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <utility>
    #include <set>
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int MAX_N=;
    int N;
    double x[MAX_N], y[MAX_N], r[MAX_N]; bool inside(int i, int j)
    double dx=x[i]-x[j], dy=y[i]-y[j];
    return dx*dx+dy*dy<=r[j]*r[j];
    } void solve()
    vector<pair<double, int> > events;
    for (int i=; i<N; i++)
    events.push_back(make_pair(x[i]-r[i], i));
    events.push_back(make_pair(x[i]+r[i], i+N));
    sort(events.begin(), events.end());
    set<pair<double, int> > outers;
    vector<int> res;
    for (int i=; i<events.size(); i++)
    int id=events[i].second % N;
    if (events[i].second<N)
    set<pair<double, int> >::iterator it=outers.lower_bound(make_pair(y[id], id));
    if (it !=outers.end() && inside(id, it->second)) continue;
    if (it !=outers.begin() && inside(id, (--it)->second)) continue;
    outers.insert(make_pair(y[id], id));
    outers.erase(make_pair(y[id], id));
    sort(res.begin(), res.end());
    printf("%d\n", res.size());
    for (int i=; i<res.size(); i++)
    printf("%d%c", res[i]+, i+==res.size() ? '\n' : ' ');
    } int main()
    scanf("%d", &N);
    for (int i=; i<N; i++)
    scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &r[i], &x[i], &y[i]);


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