Const init_info As String = "InitInfo"
Const end_row_op As Integer = 100  'tmp
Const end_row_holiday As Integer = 100  'tmp
Const sheet_name_op As String = "Project_YY"  'tmp
Const sheet_name_holiday As String = "Holiday"  'tmp
Const column_index_task As Integer = 3 'tmp
Const column_index_cost As Integer = 5 'tmp
Const column_index_start_date As Integer = 6 'tmp
Const column_index_end_date As Integer = 7 'tmp
Const column_index_man As Integer = 8 'tmp
Const column_index_sort As Integer = 9 'tmp
Const column_index_holiday As Integer = 2 'tmp
Const column_index_workday As Integer = 3 'tmp

Function is_date_in_col(ByVal sheet_name As String, ByVal col As Integer, ByVal value As Date) As Integer
    Dim end_row As Integer
    end_row = end_row_holiday 'tmp  get_row_range
    Dim test_row As Integer
    Dim ret As Integer
    is_date_in_col = 0
    Dim col_date As Date
    For test_row = 3 To end_row
        col_date = Sheets(sheet_name).Cells(test_row, col).value
        If value = col_date Then
            is_date_in_col = test_row
            Exit For
        End If
End Function

Function is_date_in_holiday_list(ByVal in_date As Date) As Boolean
    If is_date_in_col(sheet_name_holiday, column_index_holiday, in_date) <> 0 Then
        is_date_in_holiday_list = True
        is_date_in_holiday_list = False
    End If
End Function

Function is_date_in_workday_list(ByVal in_date As Date) As Boolean
    If is_date_in_col(sheet_name_holiday, column_index_workday, in_date) <> 0 Then
        is_date_in_workday_list = True
        is_date_in_workday_list = False
    End If
End Function

Function is_satday_or_sunday(ByVal in_date As Date) As Boolean
    Dim wd As Integer
    wd = Weekday(in_date)
    If wd = vbSunday Or wd = vbSaturday Then
        is_satday_or_sunday = True
        is_satday_or_sunday = False
    End If
End Function

Function get_next_workday(ByVal wd As Date) As Date
    wd = wd + 1
    While True
        If is_date_in_holiday_list(wd) Then
            wd = wd + 1
        ElseIf is_date_in_workday_list(wd) Then
            get_next_workday = wd
            Exit Function
        ElseIf is_satday_or_sunday(wd) Then
            wd = wd + 1
            get_next_workday = wd
            Exit Function
        End If

End Function

Function calc_end_date(ByVal start_date As Date, ByVal cost_from_begin As Double, ByRef end_date As Date, ByRef cost_used As Double)

    end_date = start_date
    cost_used = cost_from_begin
    While cost_from_begin > 1
        cost_from_begin = cost_from_begin - 1
        cost_used = cost_used - 1
        end_date = get_next_workday(end_date)

End Function

Function get_next_task(ByRef row_edit As Integer) As Boolean

    get_next_task = False
    Dim in_row As Integer
    in_row = row_edit
    Dim new_sort As Integer
    new_sort = 0
    Dim in_sort As Integer
    in_sort = Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(in_row, column_index_sort).value
    Dim target_sort As Integer
    Dim tmp_sort As Integer
    target_sort = 32767
    For i = 3 To end_row_holiday
        tmp_sort = Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(i, column_index_sort).value
        If tmp_sort > in_sort Then
            get_next_task = True
            If tmp_sort < target_sort Then
                target_sort = tmp_sort
                row_edit = i
            End If
        End If

End Function

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Target.Column <> column_index_start_date Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim cost_used As Double
    cost_used = 0

    Dim row_edit As Integer
    row_edit = Target.Row
    Dim row_edit_cost As Double
    row_edit_cost = Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(row_edit, column_index_cost).value
    Dim start_date As Date
    start_date = Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(row_edit, column_index_start_date).value
    'If start_date = "" Then
    '    MsgBox "have not input start date"
    '    Exit Sub
    'End If
    'if start_date is not workday then error

    cost_from_begin = row_edit_cost + cost_used
    Dim end_date As Date
    end_date = start_date
    calc_end_date start_date, cost_from_begin, end_date, cost_used
    Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(row_edit, column_index_end_date).value = end_date
    'next edit row
    While get_next_task(row_edit)
        start_date = end_date
        If cost_used >= 1 Then
            start_date = get_next_workday(start_date)
            cost_used = cost_used - 1
        End If
        Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(row_edit, column_index_start_date).value = start_date
        calc_end_date start_date, cost_from_begin, end_date, cost_used
        Sheets(sheet_name_op).Cells(row_edit, column_index_end_date).value = end_date
End Sub




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