在开发过程中,对于某些API在现有的JavaScript运行时环境不支持的时候,我们大都会采用加入polyfill来解决这个问题。但有些时候我们可能需要知道现在某个API到底是否为运行时环境所原生支持,还是polyfill代码支持的。今天在学习Vue 2.X版本的源代码时,就发现了Vue中也有用来检测一个函数是否为运行时原生支持。

function isNative (Ctor) {
return typeof Ctor === 'function' && /native code/.test(Ctor.toString())


首先,检测要被检测者是否是函数类型,然后会检测这个被检测的函数toString之后的字符串中是否带有native code字眼,如果符合这两个条件,那么说明被检测者是一个当前JavaScript运行时原生支持的函数。
有些人可能会问:为什么要检测这个被检测的函数toString之后的字符串中是否带有native code字眼,为此我去看了ECMA-262最新规范,很遗憾我没有找到依据,所以我只能退而求其次去看了MDN和MSDN,看看上面怎么说。


If the toString() method is called on built-in function objects or a function created by Function.prototype.bind, toString() returns a native function string which looks like

"function () { [native code] }"


如果toString()方法是由内建函数(即JavaScript自带函数)或者是一个经过调用Function.prototype.bind方法后返回的绑定了上下文的函数 所调用时,返回的结果就是

"function () { [native code] }"

微软MSDN上关于toString Method (Object) (JavaScript)一章中是这么说的:

The toString method is a member of all built-in JavaScript objects. How it behaves depends on the object type:

Object Behavior
Array Elements of an Array are converted to strings. The resulting strings are concatenated, separated by commas.
Boolean If the Boolean value is true, returns "true". Otherwise, returns "false".
Date Returns the textual representation of the date.
Error Returns a string containing the associated error message.
Function Returns a string of the following form, where functionname is the name of the function whose toString method was called:

function functionname( ) { [native code] }
Number Returns the textual representation of the number.
String Returns the value of the String object.
Default Returns "[object objectname]", where objectname is the name of the object type.


"function functionname( ) { [native code] }"

结论:当一个对象为JavaScript运行时build-in object (内建对象),并且类型为Function类型时,对其调用toString()方法后,返回的结果字符串就是如下:

"function functionname( ) { [native code] }"




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