1. IoU(区域交并比)





1.1 为什么使用IoU来评估目标检测器

与分类任务不同,我们预测的bounding box的坐标需要去匹配ground-truth的坐标,而坐标完全匹配基本是不现实的。因此,我们需要定义一个评估指标,奖励那些与ground-truth匹配较好(重叠较大)的预测框。

1.2 IoU的python实现

  def bb_intersection_over_union(boxA, boxB):
# determine the (x, y)-coordinates of the intersection rectangle
# 画个图会很明显,x左、y上取大的,x右、y下取小的,刚好对应交集
xA = max(boxA[0], boxB[0])
yA = max(boxA[1], boxB[1])
xB = min(boxA[2], boxB[2])
yB = min(boxA[3], boxB[3])

# compute the area of intersection rectangle
# 计算交集部分面积
interArea = max(0, xB - xA + 1) * max(0, yB - yA + 1)

# compute the area of both the prediction and ground-truth rectangles
# 计算预测值和真实值的面积
boxAArea = (boxA[2] - boxA[0] + 1) * (boxA[3] - boxA[1] + 1)
boxBArea = (boxB[2] - boxB[0] + 1) * (boxB[3] - boxB[1] + 1)

# compute the intersection over union by taking the intersection
# area and dividing it by the sum of prediction + ground-truth
# areas - the interesection area
# 计算IoU,即 交/(A+B-交)
iou = interArea / float(boxAArea + boxBArea - interArea)

# return the intersection over union value
return iou

2. 非极大化抑制(NMS)

2.1 算法思想






2.2 python实现



 # --------------------------------------------------------
# Fast R-CNN
# Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft
# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
# Written by Ross Girshick
# -------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np def py_cpu_nms(dets, thresh):
"""Pure Python NMS baseline."""
x1 = dets[:, 0]
y1 = dets[:, 1]
x2 = dets[:, 2]
y2 = dets[:, 3]
scores = dets[:, 4] areas = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
order = scores.argsort()[::-1] keep = []
while order.size > 0:
i = order[0]
xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[order[1:]])
yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[order[1:]])
xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[order[1:]])
yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[order[1:]]) w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1)
h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1)
inter = w * h
ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - inter) inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0]
order = order[inds + 1] return keep

3. soft-NMS

soft NMS提出尤其对密集物体检测的检测效果有一定的提升作用

绝大部分目标检测方法,最后都要用到 NMS-非极大值抑制进行后处理。 通常的做法是将检测框按得分排序,然后保留得分最高的框,同时删除与该框重叠面积大于一定比例的其它框。

这种贪心式方法存在如下图所示的问题: 红色框和绿色框是当前的检测结果,二者的得分分别是0.95和0.80。如果按照传统的NMS进行处理,首先选中得分最高的红色框,然后绿色框就会因为与之重叠面积过大而被删掉。


 soft NMS算法的大致思路为:M为当前得分最高框,bi 为待处理框,bi 和M的IOU越大,bi 的得分si 就下降的越厉害。



soft NMS中:



soft NMS仍然有问题:其阈值仍然需要手工设定

soft nms 代码实现:

# coding:utf-8
import numpy as np
def soft_nms(boxes, sigma=0.5, Nt=0.1, threshold=0.001, method=1):
N = boxes.shape[0]
pos = 0
maxscore = 0
maxpos = 0 for i in range(N):
maxscore = boxes[i, 4]
maxpos = i tx1 = boxes[i,0]
ty1 = boxes[i,1]
tx2 = boxes[i,2]
ty2 = boxes[i,3]
ts = boxes[i,4] pos = i + 1
# get max box
while pos < N:
if maxscore < boxes[pos, 4]:
maxscore = boxes[pos, 4]
maxpos = pos
pos = pos + 1 # add max box as a detection
boxes[i,0] = boxes[maxpos,0]
boxes[i,1] = boxes[maxpos,1]
boxes[i,2] = boxes[maxpos,2]
boxes[i,3] = boxes[maxpos,3]
boxes[i,4] = boxes[maxpos,4] # swap ith box with position of max box
boxes[maxpos,0] = tx1
boxes[maxpos,1] = ty1
boxes[maxpos,2] = tx2
boxes[maxpos,3] = ty2
boxes[maxpos,4] = ts tx1 = boxes[i,0]
ty1 = boxes[i,1]
tx2 = boxes[i,2]
ty2 = boxes[i,3]
ts = boxes[i,4] pos = i + 1
# NMS iterations, note that N changes if detection boxes fall below threshold
while pos < N:
x1 = boxes[pos, 0]
y1 = boxes[pos, 1]
x2 = boxes[pos, 2]
y2 = boxes[pos, 3]
s = boxes[pos, 4] area = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
iw = (min(tx2, x2) - max(tx1, x1) + 1)
if iw > 0:
ih = (min(ty2, y2) - max(ty1, y1) + 1)
if ih > 0:
ua = float((tx2 - tx1 + 1) * (ty2 - ty1 + 1) + area - iw * ih)
ov = iw * ih / ua #iou between max box and detection box if method == 1: # linear
if ov > Nt:
weight = 1 - ov
weight = 1
elif method == 2: # gaussian
weight = np.exp(-(ov * ov)/sigma)
else: # original NMS
if ov > Nt:
weight = 0
weight = 1 boxes[pos, 4] = weight*boxes[pos, 4]
print(boxes[:, 4]) # if box score falls below threshold, discard the box by swapping with last box
# update N
if boxes[pos, 4] < threshold:
boxes[pos,0] = boxes[N-1, 0]
boxes[pos,1] = boxes[N-1, 1]
boxes[pos,2] = boxes[N-1, 2]
boxes[pos,3] = boxes[N-1, 3]
boxes[pos,4] = boxes[N-1, 4]
N = N - 1
pos = pos - 1 pos = pos + 1
keep = [i for i in range(N)]
return keep
boxes = np.array([[100, 100, 150, 168, 0.63],[166, 70, 312, 190, 0.55],[221, 250, 389, 500, 0.79],[12, 190, 300, 399, 0.9],[28, 130, 134, 302, 0.3]])
keep = soft_nms(boxes)






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