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root@coder:~# whoami
root@coder:~# ls
root@coder:~# su - coder
-->@coder:~$ ls
code examples.desktop 公共的 模板 视频 图片 文档 下载 音乐 桌面
-->@coder:~$ pwd
-->@coder:~$ cd ..
-->@coder:/home$ ls
-->@coder:/home$ cd coder
-->@coder:~$ ls
code examples.desktop 公共的 模板 视频 图片 文档 下载 音乐 桌面
-->@coder:~$ mkdir myninx
-->@coder:~$ cd myninx/
-->@coder:~/myninx$ ls
-->@coder:~/myninx$ touch Dockerfile
-->@coder:~/myninx$ ls
-->@coder:~/myninx$ FROM nginx
-->@coder:~/myninx$ ls
-->@coder:~/myninx$ vim Dockerfile FROM nginx
FROM nginx
RUN echo '<h1> hello, Docker1<h1>' > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
"Dockerfile" 2L, 81C 已写入
-->@coder:~/myninx$ docker search redis
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.40/images/search?limit=25&term=redis: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
-->@coder:~/myninx$ sudo docker search redis
[sudo] coder 的密码:
redis Redis is an open source key-value store that… [OK]
bitnami/redis Bitnami Redis Docker Image [OK]
sameersbn/redis [OK]
grokzen/redis-cluster Redis cluster 3.0, 3.2, 4.0 & 5.0
rediscommander/redis-commander Alpine image for redis-commander - Redis man… [OK]
kubeguide/redis-master redis-master with "Hello World!"
redislabs/redis Clustered in-memory database engine compatib…
arm32v7/redis Redis is an open source key-value store that…
oliver006/redis_exporter Prometheus Exporter for Redis Metrics. Supp…
redislabs/redisearch Redis With the RedisSearch module pre-loaded…
webhippie/redis Docker images for Redis [OK]
s7anley/redis-sentinel-docker Redis Sentinel [OK]
insready/redis-stat Docker image for the real-time Redis monitor… [OK]
bitnami/redis-sentinel Bitnami Docker Image for Redis Sentinel [OK]
redislabs/redisgraph A graph database module for Redis [OK]
arm64v8/redis Redis is an open source key-value store that…
redislabs/redismod An automated build of redismod - latest Redi… [OK]
centos/redis--centos7 Redis in-memory data structure store, used a…
circleci/redis CircleCI images for Redis [OK]
frodenas/redis A Docker Image for Redis [OK]
runnable/redis-stunnel stunnel to redis provided by linking contain… [OK]
tiredofit/redis Redis Server w/ Zabbix monitoring and S6 Ove… [OK]
wodby/redis Redis container image with orchestration [OK]
xetamus/redis-resource forked redis-resource [OK]
cflondonservices/redis Docker image for running redis
-->@coder:~/myninx$ sudo docker search mysql
mysql MySQL is a widely used, open-source relation… [OK]
mariadb MariaDB is a community-developed fork of MyS… [OK]
mysql/mysql-server Optimized MySQL Server Docker images. Create… [OK]
centos/mysql--centos7 MySQL 5.7 SQL database server
centurylink/mysql Image containing mysql. Optimized to be link… [OK]
mysql/mysql-cluster Experimental MySQL Cluster Docker images. Cr…
deitch/mysql-backup REPLACED! Please use http://hub.docker.com/r… 41 [OK]
bitnami/mysql Bitnami MySQL Docker Image [OK]
tutum/mysql Base docker image to run a MySQL database se…
schickling/mysql-backup-s3 Backup MySQL to S3 (supports periodic backup… [OK]
prom/mysqld-exporter [OK]
linuxserver/mysql A Mysql container, brought to you by LinuxSe…
centos/mysql--centos7 MySQL 5.6 SQL database server
circleci/mysql MySQL is a widely used, open-source relation…
mysql/mysql-router MySQL Router provides transparent routing be…
arey/mysql-client Run a MySQL client from a docker container [OK]
openshift/mysql--centos7 DEPRECATED: A Centos7 based MySQL v5. image…
yloeffler/mysql-backup This image runs mysqldump to backup data usi… [OK]
fradelg/mysql-cron-backup MySQL/MariaDB database backup using cron tas… [OK]
genschsa/mysql-employees MySQL Employee Sample Database [OK]
devilbox/mysql Retagged MySQL, MariaDB and PerconaDB offici…
ansibleplaybookbundle/mysql-apb An APB which deploys RHSCL MySQL [OK]
jelastic/mysql An image of the MySQL database server mainta…
monasca/mysql-init A minimal decoupled init container for mysql
widdpim/mysql-client Dockerized MySQL Client (5.7) including Curl… [OK]
-->@coder:~/myninx$ sudo docker search httpd
httpd The Apache HTTP Server Project [OK]
centos/httpd--centos7 Platform for running Apache httpd 2.4 or bui…
centos/httpd [OK]
armhf/httpd The Apache HTTP Server Project
salim1983hoop/httpd24 Dockerfile running apache config [OK]
dariko/httpd-rproxy-ldap Apache httpd reverse proxy with LDAP authent… [OK]
solsson/httpd-openidc mod_auth_openidc on official httpd image, ve… [OK]
lead4good/httpd-fpm httpd server which connects via fcgi proxy h… [OK]
itsziget/httpd24 Extended HTTPD Docker image based on the off… [OK]
interlutions/httpd httpd docker image with debian-based config … [OK]
manageiq/httpd_configmap_generator Httpd Configmap Generator [OK]
appertly/httpd Customized Apache HTTPD that uses a PHP-FPM … [OK]
izdock/httpd Production ready Apache HTTPD Web Server + m…
amd64/httpd The Apache HTTP Server Project
publici/httpd httpd:latest [OK]
buzzardev/httpd Based on the official httpd image [OK]
manageiq/httpd Container with httpd, built on CentOS for Ma… [OK]
ppc64le/httpd The Apache HTTP Server Project
alvistack/httpd Docker Image Packaging for Apache [OK]
hypoport/httpd-cgi httpd-cgi [OK]
tugboatqa/httpd The Apache HTTP Server Project
-->@coder:~/myninx$ sudo docker search php
php While designed for web development, the PHP … [OK]
phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB. [OK]
php-zendserver Zend Server - the integrated PHP application… [OK]
webdevops/php-nginx Nginx with PHP-FPM [OK]
webdevops/php-apache-dev PHP with Apache for Development (eg. with xd… [OK]
webdevops/php-apache Apache with PHP-FPM (based on webdevops/php) [OK]
bitnami/php-fpm Bitnami PHP-FPM Docker Image [OK]
phpunit/phpunit PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing fra… [OK]
nazarpc/phpmyadmin phpMyAdmin as Docker container, based on off… [OK]
thecodingmachine/php General-purpose ultra-configurable PHP images [OK]
circleci/php CircleCI images for PHP
phpdockerio/php72-fpm PHP 7.2 FPM base container for PHPDocker.io. [OK]
adrianharabula/php7-with-oci8 Latest PHP 7.1 with apache and Oracle oci8 [OK]
bitnami/phpmyadmin Bitnami Docker Image for phpMyAdmin [OK]
phpdockerio/php7-fpm PHP FPM base container for PHPDocker.io. [OK]
devilbox/php-fpm PHP-FPM Docker images based on original PHP …
graze/php-alpine Smallish php7 alpine image with some common … [OK]
phpdockerio/php56-fpm PHP 5.6 FPM base container for PHPDocker.io [OK]
appsvc/php Azure App Service php dockerfiles [OK]
phpdockerio/php71-fpm PHP 7.1 FPM base container for PHPDocker.io. [OK]
phpdockerio/php72-cli PHP 7.2 CLI base container for PHPDocker.io. [OK]
phpdockerio/php7-cli PHP CLI base container image for PHPDocker… [OK]
phpdockerio/php71-cli PHP 7.1 CLI base container for PHPDocker.io. [OK]
phpdockerio/php56-cli PHP 5.6 CLI base container for PHPDocker.io … [OK]
isotopab/php Docker PHP [OK]
-->@coder:~/myninx$ sudo docker search tomcat
tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati… [OK]
tomee Apache TomEE is an all-Apache Java EE certif… [OK]
dordoka/tomcat Ubuntu 14.04, Oracle JDK and Tomcat base… [OK]
bitnami/tomcat Bitnami Tomcat Docker Image [OK]
kubeguide/tomcat-app Tomcat image for Chapter
consol/tomcat-7.0 Tomcat 7.0., , "admin/admin" [OK]
cloudesire/tomcat Tomcat server, // [OK]
aallam/tomcat-mysql Debian, Oracle JDK, Tomcat & MySQL [OK]
tutum/tomcat Base docker image to run a Tomcat applicatio…
arm32v7/tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…
rightctrl/tomcat CentOS , Oracle Java, tomcat application ssl… [OK]
maluuba/tomcat7-java8 Tomcat7 with java8.
arm64v8/tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…
amd64/tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…
oobsri/tomcat8 Testing CI Jobs with different names.
camptocamp/tomcat-logback Docker image for tomcat with logback integra… [OK]
i386/tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…
99taxis/tomcat7 Tomcat7 [OK]
ppc64le/tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…
secoresearch/tomcat-varnish Tomcat and Varnish 5.0 [OK]
picoded/tomcat7 tomcat7 with jre8 and MANAGER_USER / MANAGER… [OK]
s390x/tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…
jelastic/tomcat An image of the Tomcat Java application serv…
cfje/tomcat-resource Tomcat Concourse Resource
-->@coder:~/myninx$ sudo docker search node
node Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s… [OK]
mongo-express Web-based MongoDB admin interface, written w… [OK]
nodered/node-red-docker Deprecated - older Node-RED Docker images. [OK]
selenium/node-chrome [OK]
prom/node-exporter [OK]
selenium/node-firefox [OK]
circleci/node Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s…
readytalk/nodejs Node.js based off the official Debian Wheezy… [OK]
kkarczmarczyk/node-yarn Node docker image with yarn package manager … [OK]
digitallyseamless/nodejs-bower-grunt Node.js w/ Bower & Grunt Dockerfile for tru… [OK]
bitnami/node Bitnami Node.js Docker Image [OK]
iron/node Tiny Node image
calico/node [OK]
appsvc/node Azure App Service Node.js dockerfiles [OK]
centos/nodejs--centos7 Platform for building and running Node.js …


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  2. WEB前端知识体系脑图
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  4. java并发带返回结果的批量任务执行
  5. javascript构造函数小记
  6. Mysql shell 控制台---mysqlsh
  7. Apache-Tika解析Word文档
  8. js 等待刷新技术
  9. poj 3318 Matrix Multiplication
  10. VMware下设置CentOS虚拟机与主机同一网段
  11. 纯css实现轮播图
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  15. 判断某个字符串里面是否包含caoyang 这个字符串?
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  17. Pi Zero三代版本演化比较
  18. 使用ApiPost模拟发送get、post、delete、put等http请求
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  20. 做报表需要知道的基本的SQL语句


  1. Flask基于websocket的简单聊天室
  2. 字符串替换replace方法
  3. asp.net+jquery 制作text editor
  4. 8、如何将本地新创建的项目上传到gitHub(gitLab)上
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  6. Spark GraphX图计算核心源码分析【图构建器、顶点、边】
  7. VMWare共享文件夹使用
  8. 系统管理员必须知道的PHP安全实践
  9. VUE的element-ui的使用
  10. Hadoop 学习资料