Chapter 1 : About Computer

Answer the following — Abbreviation

  • LBS — Location-Based Services
  • HTML — HyperText Markup Language
  • XML — eXtensible Markup language
  • WMI — Windows Management Instrumentation
  • WML — Wireless Markup Language
  • GPS — Global Positioning System
  • ATM — Automatic Teller Machine
  • ITU — International Telecommunication Union
  • ACM — Association for Computing Machinery
  • SQL — Structured Query Language
  • V&V — Verification and Validation
  • DBMS — Database Management System
  • IoT — Internet of Things
  • IP — Internet Protocol
  • RFID — Radio Frequency Identification
  • DFD — Data Flow Diagram
  • OO — Object-Oriented
  • GUI — Graphical User Interface
  • VRML — Virtual Reality Modeling Language
  • FTP — File Transfer Protocol
  • ST — Standard Time

Define the following

1. Computer

An Electronic Device for Storing and Processing Data in a binary form ( 0 , 1 ) according to the instruction given, You can use a computer to type documents , send email , play games , and browse the Web.

2. Software

The instructions that tell to the computer , " What to do " and " How to do".

3. Software requirement

collecting the needs of the customer

4.Software Engineering

Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production.

5. Software Engineer

Software engineers should adopt a systematic and or gained approach to their work and use appropriate tools and techniques depending on the problem to be solved , the development constraints and the resources available.

6. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a delivery of on demand computing services through internet on a pay-as-you-go basis . Rather than managing file on local storage devices , cloud computing make them possible to store directly on internet.

7. Mobile Web

The mobile web , also known as mobile internet , refers to browser based Internet services accessed from handheld mobile devices , such as smartphones or feature phones, through a mobile or other Wireless Network.

8. Big data

Big data is extremely large data sets that are so complex and unorganized that they hold the common and easy data management methods that were designed and used

9. Grid Computing

Grid computing requires the usage of application programs to divide one large system processing to several thousands of machines.

10. Public Cloud.

The cloud infrastructure is available to the general public over internet owned by a cloud provider.

11. Private Cloud.

The cloud infrastructure is exclusively managed by single organization

12. Computer Program

A computer program is a set of instructions that instructs a computer”How to do the task”

13. Software Design:

The process of defining the architecture , components , interfaces and other characteristics of a system or component.

14. LBS

A certain service that is offered to the users based on their locations.

15. IOT

IoT refers to an Internet of Things. Connecting any device with internet so that these objects can exchange data with each other on a network.

16. Program

The program is a set of instructs a computer how to do the task

17. Programming Languages

Programming Languages help us to develop computer programs,It is act as an interface between Human and Machine.

18. Social Network

Social networking is the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients.

19. Software testing

it’s process of reviewing software documents checking software data and excuting program code to find errors.

Fill int the blanks

Software Engineering

  1. A computer product developed for different customers is called ().
  2. The () () are example for generic software.
  3. The software developed for single customer for their specification is called ().
  4. () is an example for custom software.
  5. Validation means () what the custom want?
  6. () means changing in response to changing demands.
  7. In total of the software () for development, () for testing is a general rule.


  1. A computer product developed for different customers is called (generic software).
  2. The (QQ) (IE) are example for generic software.
  3. The software developed for single customer for their specification is called (custom software).
  4. (ECUT pass card) is an example for custom software.
  5. Validation means (is) what the custom want?
  6. (Evolution) means changing in response to changing demands.
  7. In total of the software (60%) for development, (40%) for testing is a general rule.

Cloud Computing

  1. () engraved the name cloud in 1999.
  2. () is a first accessible cloud technical infrastructure service.
  3. The users really care about their ().
  4. () is an example for public cloud.
  5. () is an example for private cloud
  6. The cloud computing is divided into () and () as two types.
  7. () is an examle for infrastructure as a service(lass).
  8. () is an examle for software a service(sass).
  9. () is an examle for platform a service(sass).


  1. ( engraved the name cloud in 1999.
  2. (EC21S3) is a first accessible cloud technical infrastructure service.
  3. The users really care about their (services).
  4. (IBM blue cloud) is an example for public cloud.
  5. (VMware) is an example for private cloud.
  6. The cloud computing is divided into (deployment model) and (service model) as two types.
  7. (Amazon web services) is an examle for infrastructure as a service(lass).
  8. (Office 365) is an examle for software a service(sass).
  9. (Microsoft azure) is an examle for platform a service(sass).

Software Requirement

  1. The software development life cycle defines a () for improving the () of a software and overcall development process.
  2. The goal of requirement phases is to provide ().
  3. There are () ,() and () are involved in software requirement specification.
  4. In unstructured approach () between () and () to reveal the requirement.
  5. () approach is built to validate the correctness and completeness of requirement.


  1. The software development life cycle defines a (technology) for improving the (quality) of a software and overcall development process.
  2. The goal of requirement phases is to provide (SRS documents).
  3. There are (the customer) ,(user) and (developer) are involved in software requirement specification.
  4. In unstructured approach (interaction) between (the analyst customer) and (user) to reveal the requirement.
  5. (prototype) approach is built to validate the correctness and completeness of requirement.

Computer Programming

  1. () is the native language of computers.
  2. Machine language use only () to represent the instruction.
  3. () is also known as machine language.
  4. High level languages are ().
  5. () is a () language.
  6. Language translator or language processors generally konw as () and ().


  1. (Machine language) is the native language of computers.
  2. Machine language use only (O’S & I’S) to represent the instruction.
  3. (Binary) is also known as machine language.
  4. High level languages are (Machine independent).
  5. (Database language) is a (fourth generation) language.
  6. Language translator or language processors generally konw as (compiler) and (interpreters).

Big data

  1. Big data sets can’t be processed () systems and tools .They don’t fit into a () network.
  2. () is a framework that allows paralled data processing and distributed data storage.
  3. () is a general purpose distributed data processing framework.
  4. () is a stream processing platform
  5. () is a distributed NOSQL database management system.
  6. A very popular programming parading called ().
  7. () it sorts and filters then categorizes the data so that it’s easy to analyses it.
  8. () it merges all the data together and provides the summary.


  1. Big data sets can’t be processed (in traditional database management) systems and tools .They don’t fit into a (regular database) network.
  2. (Apche Hodoop) is a framework that allows paralled data processing and distributed data storage.
  3. (Apche Spark) is a general purpose distributed data processing framework.
  4. (Apche Kafka) is a stream processing platform
  5. (Apche Cassandra) is a distributed NOSQL database management system.
  6. A very popular programming parading called (Map Reduce).
  7. (The Map) it sorts and filters then categorizes the data so that it’s easy to analyses it.
  8. (The Reduce) it merges all the data together and provides the summary.

Social networking

  1. Social networking can hava a () a () or ().
  2. Social networking is the use of () sites to stay () with friends, family, colleagues , customers or clients .
  3. () and () are the example for chatting sites
  4. () photos and videos are uploadsed to Instagram every day.
  5. () and () are the application domains of social networking.


  1. Social networking can hava a (social purpose) (business purpose) or (both).
  2. Social networking is the use of (internet-based social media) sites to stay (connected) with friends, family, colleagues , customers or clients .
  3. (QQ) and (Wechat) are the example for chatting sites
  4. (70 million) photos and videos are uploadsed to Instagram every day.
  5. (government) and (business application) are the application domains of social networking.

Software Project Plan

  1. Project planning is an () and integrated (), which focuses on activities required for () of the project .
  2. () and () are involved is software project plan
  3. Senior management is responsible for () and proving () for the project .
  4. The project management team which generally includes () and ().
  5. () and () are two type of cost estimation
  6. In () coat estimation sum of the total costs should equal the finish project.
  7. Top-down estimates may also be based on the () of those involved in developing () and ().
  8. The configuration management plan defines () which is used for () to the project scope.
  9. The manteance plan specifies the () and () required for making the software operational after ().
  10. Project planning is an () and integrated (), which focuses on activities required for () of the project


  1. Project planning is an (organized) and integrated (management process), which focuses on activities required for (successful completion) of the project .
  2. (Senior management) and (project management team) are involved is software project plan
  3. Senior management is responsible for (employing team numbers) and proving (resoures require) for the project .
  4. The project management team which generally includes (project managers) and (developers).
  5. (Top-down) and (Buttom-up) are two type of cost estimation
  6. In (Buttom-up) coat estimation sum of the total costs should equal the finish project.
  7. Top-down estimates may also be based on the (experience) of those involved in developing (the cost estimates) and (expert judgement).
  8. The configuration management plan defines (the process) which is used for (making changes) to the project scope.
  9. The manteance plan specifies the (resources) and (processse) required for making the software operational after (installation).

Location Based Services

  1. Mobile devices can pinpoint your location using build in () or by triangulating your distance from nearby ().
  2. () () computers can determine your location based on your internet service provider and nearby private computer networks
  3. location-based services must be ()


  1. Mobile devices can pinpoint your location using build in (GPS) or by triangulating your distance from nearby (Cell tower).
  2. (Desktop) (Laptop) computers can determine your location based on your internet service provider and nearby private computer networks
  3. location-based services must be (permission-based)


1.1 What is Computer: An Electronic Device for Storing and Processing Data in a binary form ( 0 , 1 ) according to the instruction given, You can use a computer to type documents , send email , play games , and browse the Web

1.2 Computer Function : Getting Input , Processing , Storage , Giving Output

1.3 Hardware : The physical parts of computer is called hardware , It including : CPU ( or Processor ) Primary memory ( or Main Memory ) , Input devices , Output devices , Storage devices.

1.4 Software : The instructions that tell to the computer , " What to do " and " How to do

1.5 Types of Software :

  • Application Software : helps end-users perform general purpose tasks

    • An application is a program , or group of programs , that is designed for the end user purpose,Example : Word processors-microsoft word , Spreadsheets - Microsoft Exeel , Database managers - Microsoft Access , Graphics Photoshop
  • System Software : enables application software to interact with the computer

    • System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computers hardware and application programs Examples : 1 . Operating System . 2 . Translator 3 . Editors 4 . Device driver

      The software that controls everything that happens in a computer

1.5 Different Kinds of Computer :

  1. Microcomputer (Microcomputer - > Personal Computer = > PC)

    • There are 3 types of the Microcomputers :

      1. Laptop
      2. Desktop
      3. Workstation
    • Personal Computer :
      1. Small in Size
      2. Single-user computer based on microprocessor .
    • Work station :
      1. A powerful
      2. single-user computer
      3. It can handle CAD , animation , data analysis , and photorealistic renderings , video and audio creation and editing
  2. Minicomputer : A multi-user computer capable of supporting up to hundreds of users simultaneously

    • Desk-sized
    • More processing speed and storage capacity than microcomputers
    • General data processing needs at small companies
    • Larger companies use them for specific purposes

2.1.2 Software Engineering

  • Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production
  • Software engineers should adopt a systematic and or gained approach to their work and use appropriate tools and techniques depending on the problem to be solved , the development constraints and the resources available

2.1.7 The cost of Software Engineering

  • 60% of costs are development costs ,
  • 40% are testing costs
  • Costs vary depending on the type of system being developed and the requirements of system attributes such as performance and system reliability

2.1.9 Attributes of Good Software

  • The software should deliver the required functionality and performance to the user and should be maintainable , dependable and acceptable 。
  • Maintainability-software must evolve to meet changing needs :
  • Dependability-software must be trustworthy ;
  • Efficiency - Software should not make wasteful use of system resources
  • Acceptability-software must accepted by the users for which it was designed . This means it must be understandable , usable and compatible

2.1.10 The key challenges facing software engineering ?

  • Heterogeneity - Developing techniques for building software that can cope with
  • Delivery-developing techniques that lead to faster delivery of software
  • Trust - Developing techniques that demonstrate that software can be trusted by it use

2.25 Why cloud computing

you can " Get the data anytime , anywhere and any devices " through internet

2.2.6 What is cloud computing

Cloud computing is a delivery of on demand computing services through internet on a pay-as-you-go basis . Rather than managing file on local storage devices , cloud computing make them possible to store directly on internet .

2.2.8 Types of Cloud Computing

Clouds are basically divided into two types , they are deployment model and Service Model

  • Deployment Models are : Public cloud , Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud
  • Service Models are : Infrastructure-as-a-service ( IaaS ) , Platform-as-a-service ( PaaS ) , Software-as-a-Service ( SaaS ), Data-as -a - Service ( Daas ) Deployment Model

  1. public Cloud : The Cloud Infrastructure is available to the general public over internet owned by a Cloud Provider

    Example : A WS , Microsoft Azure , IBMS Blue Cloud and Sun Cloud
  2. Private Cloud : The Cloud Infrastructure is exclusively managed by single Organization. It can be managed by the organization or a third party may be exit on-premise or off-premise

    Example : AWS , Vmware
  3. Hybrid Cloud : It consists the functionality of both public and private

3.1.1 L What is SDLC ?

  • It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop , maintain , replace and alter or enhance specific software .
  • The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process

3.1.2 Requirement Phase

  • Goal of Requirement Phase To produce the Software Requirement Specification Document ( SRS )
  • it captures the client requirements accurately . This is the basic for Software

    Development and Validation

3.1.3 Who are involved in a Software Specification

  • There are Three people are involved in the process
  • The Client ( Customer)
  • The User
  • The Software Developer

3.1.4 Activities Of Requirement Phases

  • Requirement Analysis : - To understand different aspects of the requirements of the problem
  • Requirement Specification : - Prepare ( Write ) the Requirement Specification Document ( SRS )
  • Requirement Validation : - Which is done to ensure that the requirements Specified in the SRS are indeed what are desired

3.1.5 Approaches of Analysis

  • Unstructured Approach-lnteraction between the analyst , Customer , and User to reveal the requirements

Chapter 3.2 : Moblie Web

3.2.1 Introduetion :

The mobile web , also known as mobile internet , refers to browser based Internet services accessed from handheld mobile devices , such as smartphones or feature phones, through a mobile or other Wireless Network.

3.2.5 Limitations of Mobile Web

  1. Small screen size
  2. Lack of Javascript and cookies
  3. Speed
  4. Compressed pages
  5. Cost
  6. Lack of windows Navigation
  7. Types of pages accessible
  8. Broken pages
  9. Size of messages

3.2.7 WAP Architecture

There are three elements in WAP architecture

  1. Client
  2. Server
  3. Gateway

Client : The WML browser in a wireless device issues WAP request to the server

Sever : The entities which provide services and where resources are located . This can be an ordinary Internet Based Server or a Wap-capable server

Gateway : Provides protocol conversation between WWW protocol and WAP protocol stack . The WAP protocol using content decoding and encoding . Thats the gateway act as a

proxy server .

5.2 Internet of Things ( IOT )

5.2.1 Whatl IOT

IOT refers to an Internet Of Things ( IOT ) . Connecting any device ( including everything from cell phones , vehicles , home appliances and other wearable embedded with sensors and actuators ) with Internet so that these objects can exchange data with each other on a network.

  • There is a difference between IOT and the Internet , it is the absence of Human role
  • The IOT devices can create information about individual’s behaviors , analyses it , and take

  • IOT is smarter than Internet " anytime , any place , anything in connectivity."

5.2.4 Characteristics

  • Massively scalable and efficient.
  • IP-based addressing will no longer be suitable in the upcoming future .
  • An abundance of physical objects is present that does not use IP , so lot is made possible.
  • Devices typically consume less power . When not in use , they should be automatically programmed to sleep.
  • A device that is connected to another device right now may not be connected in another

    instant of time.
  • Intermittent connectivity-IoT devices aren’t always connected

5.2.5 Application Domains

1 , Smart Grids 2 . Smart cities 3 . Smart homes 4 . Healthcare 5 . Earthquake detection

6 . Radiation detection / hazardous gas detection 7 . Smartphone detection

8 . Water flow monitoring

5.2.6 Challenges

  • Security Challenges-lot can be hacked
  • Privacy Challenges - Private information can be stolen
  • Connectivity Challenges-billions of devices on a centralized server
  • Compatibility and Longevity Challenges-extra hardware and software

5.2.7 Advantages and Disabvantages


  • Lead time processing
  • Accessibility & mobility
  • Tracking ability
  • Modern Life Style


  • Data Security
  • Personal privacy
  • Data Massi vity
  • Environment Issues

Chapter 6.1 Software Design

6.1.1 software design

Design is defined in the process of defining the architecture,components,interfaces and other characteristics of a system or component

  • It describe the “Software architecture and interface between components of each level”
  • Software Architecture : "How software is decomposed and organized into components and the

    interface between those components "
  • “Describe the components at a level of detail that enable their construction”

6.1.2 Role Of Software Design

  • It allows Software Engineers to produce various models that form a kind of blue print of the solution to be implemented
  • In SDLC , Software design consists of two activities : Software architectural design and Software

    Detailed Design
  • Software Architecture design : ( Top Level Design ) describing softwares top-level structure and organization and identifying the various components
  • Software Detailed Design : Describing each component sufficiently to allow for its construction

6.2.1 What is Social Network

  • Social networking is the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends

    family , colleagues , customers , or client
  • Social networking can have a social purpose , a business purpose , or both , through sites such as Facebook , Twitter , Linkedin , and Instagram , among others
  • It is the grouping of individuals into specific groups , like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision,if you will
  • Although social networking is possible in person , especially in workgroup , universities , and high schools , it is most popular online
  • Example : Facebook , Classmates , Twitter , QQ , Whatsapp , etc…

6.2.2 Important Facts About Social Networking

  • In 2013 . a study showed that 79% of all adults in the United States had at least one social network
  • 2.1 billion people in the world have social media accounts
  • Mobile phones now make up 72% of internet traffic to these sites
  • 70 million photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram every single day , and that is a number that is steadily rising
  • Nearly 50% of all Twitter users have never sent a tweet

6.2.3 Advantages

  • Staing Connected
  • Information Spreads Incredibly Fast
  • Finding People With Common Interests
  • Helps To Catch And Convict Crimina
  • Invaluable Promotional Tool

6.2.4 Disadvantages

  • Perpetuates False And Unreliable Information
  • Used To Profile and Discriminate In The Job World
  • Causing Major Relationship Problems
  • The Addiction Is Rea
  • Cyber Bullying Is A Growing Problem

6.2.5 Popular Social Media Sites

  • Facebook-1.59 billion approximatel
  • Youtube-1.40 billion approximately
  • Whatsapp-1 billion approximately
  • QQ -853 million approximatel
  • Wechat-697 million approximatel
  • Qzone - 640 million approximatel
  • Tumblr-555 milion approximatel
  • Instagram-400 million approximately
  • Twitter-320 million approximately
  • Google+ -300 million approximately

6.2.6 Application Domain

  • Government applications
  • Finance applications
  • Business applications
  • Medical and health applications
  • Dating applications
  • Social and political applications
  • Educational applications
  • Crowd sourcing applications

Chapter 7.1 Computer Programming

7.1.1 What is Computer Program

  • A computer program is a set of instructions that instructs a computer " How to do the task"
  • These instructions are written to tell the computer
    • What operation to perform
    • Where to Locate data
    • How to present results
    • When to make certain decisions

7.1.2 What is Programming Language ?

  • Programming languages are help us to develop computer programs.
  • It is act as an interface between Human and Machine
  • The computer has its own language any communication with the computer must be in its

    language or translated into this language

7.1.4 Levels of Programming Language

  • There are Three levels of programming language , They are

    • Machine Language ( Low Level Language )
    • Assembly Language ( Symbolic Language )
    • Procedure Oriented Language ( High Level Language )
  • Machine and Assembly languages are known as " Low level Language"


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