<p><span style="font-size: 18px;"></span></p>

当你想隐藏数据库id时,你能够使用 Hashids 这个开源库,类似的开源项目比較多,这里仅仅针对 Hashids 做个使用说明

.net  版本号的资料地址例如以下:




using System;
using HashidsNet;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace HashidsNetTester
public class HashidsTest
/// <summary>
/// 盐
/// </summary>
private string salt = "this is my salt string";
public void TestEncode()
Hashids hs = new Hashids(salt,5);
var n1 = 1;
var s1 = hs.Encode(n1);//编码:一个数值进行
var dn1 = hs.Decode(s1)[0];//解码:一个数值
Assert.IsTrue(dn1 == n1);
public void TestEncodeArr()
Hashids hs = new Hashids(salt, 5);
var n1 = new int[]{11,22,33,44};
var s1 = hs.Encode(n1);//编码多个数值组,用于数据库中联合主键
var dn1 = hs.Decode(s1);//解码:获得编码前的联合主键数组
for (int i = 0; i < n1.Length; i++)
Assert.IsTrue(dn1[i] == n1[i]);
public void TestEncodeHex()
Hashids hs = new Hashids(salt, 5);
var n1 = "1abc";
var s1 = hs.EncodeHex(n1);//编码:16进制数
var dn1 = hs.DecodeHex(s1);//解码:获得16进制数
Assert.IsTrue(n1.Equals(dn1, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));



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