
Android Extensions plugin provides Parcelable implementation generator as an experimental feature. To be able to use it, turn on the experimental flag.

How to use

Annotate the class with @Parcelize, and a Parcelable implementation will be generated automatically.

import kotlinx.android.parcel.Parcelize
class User(val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val age: Int): Parcelable

@Parcelize requires all serialized properties to be declared in the primary constructor. Android Extensions will issue a warning on each property with a backing field declared in the class body. Also, @Parcelize can't be applied if some of the primary constructor parameters are not properties.

If your class requires more advanced serialization logic, you can write it inside a companion class:

data class User(val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val age: Int) : Parcelable {
private companion object : Parceler<User> {
override fun User.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
// Custom write implementation
} override fun create(parcel: Parcel): User {
// Custom read implementation

Supported types

@Parcelize supports a wide range of types:

  • primitive types (and their boxed versions);
  • objects and enums;
  • StringCharSequence;
  • Exception;
  • SizeSizeFBundleIBinderIInterfaceFileDescriptor;
  • SparseArraySparseIntArraySparseLongArraySparseBooleanArray;
  • all Serializable (yes, Date is supported too) and Parcelable implementations;
  • collections of all supported types: List (mapped to ArrayList), Set (mapped to LinkedHashSet), Map (mapped to LinkedHashMap);
    • Also a number of concrete implementations: ArrayListLinkedListSortedSetNavigableSetHashSetLinkedHashSetTreeSetSortedMapNavigableMapHashMapLinkedHashMapTreeMapConcurrentHashMap;
  • arrays of all supported types;
  • nullable versions of all supported types.

Custom Parcelers

Even if your type is not supported directly, you can write a Parceler mapping object for it.

class ExternalClass(val value: Int)

object ExternalClassParceler : Parceler<ExternalClass> {
override fun create(parcel: Parcel) = ExternalClass(parcel.readInt()) override fun ExternalClass.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {

External parcelers can be applied using @TypeParceler or @WriteWith annotations:

// Class-local parceler
@TypeParceler<ExternalClass, ExternalClassParceler>()
class MyClass(val external: ExternalClass) // Property-local parceler
class MyClass(@TypeParceler<ExternalClass, ExternalClassParceler>() val external: ExternalClass) // Type-local parceler
class MyClass(val external: @WriteWith<ExternalClassParceler>() ExternalClass)


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