google-java-format plugin should intercept the “Reformat Code” action in IDEA (Ctrl+Alt+L) and apply its own rules. However, it does not work with imports for some reason, so to fix that you have to import a Java Google Code Style XML file  to your code style settings in IDEA.

1.下载Google Java Code Style在IntelliJ中的配置文件
3.选择”Editor->Code Style”菜单项,并点击图示的”Intellij IDEA code style XML”导入第1步中下载的配置文件(可修改导入的配置名,此处使用默认的”GoogleStyle”):


5.”Editor->Code Style->Java->Imports->Names count to use static import with *”菜单项, 输入1

6.Install google-java-format plugin (File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories -> search for “google-java-format” and install)

After installation, the plugin has to be enabled per-project (it is disabled by default). To do that, open your project and go to File -> Settings -> Other Settings -> google-java-format Settings and check “Enable google-java-format”


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