It’s surprising what you can find at the end of your garden. Wild flowers... and even smaller yet, insects!


Look! This caterpillar can’t even see his friend who抯 hiding on the same leaf. His vision is very bad, no doubt, but finding glasses his size is very difficult!


And did you see the praying mantis? Her camouflage is very effective. Nature has given her the best of defenses: invisibility.


How annoying to be woken up by an impolite caterpillar! You’ll have to find another leaf to finish your nap.

被一条没礼貌的毛毛虫吵醒是件多么令人气愤的事啊!还得再找一片叶子继续打盹。At the

At the very beginning of his life, the caterpillar is yellow and black. He builds a cocoon, metamorphoses and becomes a handsome butterfly. He now has black and orange wings.


Overnight he has become the symbol of good weather and everyone loves him. Which isn抰 the case for the other creepy-crawlies!


Don’t worry, this little black and white kitten in the basket isn抰 the dish of the day. Listen to her purr.


She’s looking at her 'doggy' friends and would like to play with them. What vitality! The brown dog must bring the stick back to his owner, but the black dog says it’s his. 'Give it to me! It’s mine!'


It’s well known that only dogs would play and fight for a piece of wood. But some of our
sports may seem just as bizarre to animals.


Let’s change location! Let’s go on a safari! There, where the animals are still wild!


In the savannah you can find the zebra. From the same family as the horse, he’s got black and white stripes. You’d think he’s wearing pajamas. Even at noon!


Look! There are giraffes as well! They’ve got spots, however. With their long neck, they’re sometimes more than fifteen feet tall.


They don’t need a ladder to eat the best leaves on the tree. But with a neck like theirs,
you don’t want to get a sore throat in the winter!


Far from the savannah this horse is running in his field. Like a car, a horse has four speeds. He walks, trots, gallops and bolts. 草深处原,这匹马在它的自己的领地上奔跑。象车一样,马有四种速度。慢走、小跑、飞驰、 奔跑 It’s best not to be on his back when he does that. If not, you’ll find yourself in a rodeo. To help you get off, the horse bucks. 它飞奔时,最好别骑在它背上。否则,你会发现自己好像在做竞技表演。为了把你弄下来, 马会突然跃起把你摔下来。 The dolphin is admired by all children. He’s very talkative but not very understandable! 所有的孩子都喜欢海豚。它非常爱说话,可惜听不太懂。

How many ways do you know how to say hello? Look at these friends greet each other. They arrive, smile, say hello, wave, kiss and hug each other. These young people have a very expressive body language.


The number of kisses differs from country to country. In France, for example, it’s often two. If you give one or two extra, don’t worry, no one will tell you off. A kiss too many never did anybody any harm.


Having a drink is a way of strengthening friendships. Again, body language has an important role. Look at this woman, for example, she抯 leaning towards the man whom she seems to be attracted to. These people look like they get along well.


Even if you’re expected, you can still surprise your friend. Put your hands over his eyes and say, 'Guess who?' The surprise is guaranteed. Especially if you’ve got very cold hands!


Now, let’s see if you’re a gentleman . . . If you stand up to welcome the woman who arrives and offer her a seat, then your good manners will be noticed. You should not sit back down until the lady is comfortable.


Now that everyone has arrived, toast to your old friendship. Cheers!


If someone calls you in the street, you turn around and wave your hand. It’s one of your oldest friends. You are very happy to meet your old acquaintance again. It’s been a very long time since you’ve seen each other.

如果大街上有人喊你,你转过身去向他挥手。那是你的一个老朋友 。你很高兴能再次遇到老熟人。你们好久没见面了。

How wonderful to find each other after so many years! You smile and relive all the memories you have in common.


In the family, greetings are usually very happy. Even when the in-laws come to visit!


The arrival of the grandparents is always a time for children to celebrate. They rush into grandma and grandpa’s arms, hoping they’ve brought presents and candy.


Grandparents often give their grandchildren nicknames. This is a sign of affection.


Children are very affectionate. They say hello by giving Eskimo kisses or rubbing cheeks.


Fortunately, they don抰 have the same social constraints as adults! They trust everybody. They are natural, spontaneous, run hand in hand and play ring-around-the-rosy.

幸运的是,他们不像成人那样受社会约束。他们相信每一个人。 他们单纯,自然,手牵着手玩捉人的游戏

Adults, however, are less expressive: they shake hands. A firm and vigorous gesture says hello and a pat on the shoulder is a sign of friendship.

然而,成年人就不这样赋有表现力了:他们只是握手而已。 坚实有力的握手是问好,而在轻轻的拍一拍肩头是一种友谊的表现。

Shaking hands for a long time means that a contract was signed, that the two people have come to an agreement or that a practical joker has put glue on his fingers!


This gesture confirms the decision and isn’t solely reserved to men. It’s obvious that gestures say as much as words!



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