def narcissus():
for n in range(100, 1000, 1):
a, b, c = n//100, (n//10)%10, (n%100)%10
if a ** 3 + b ** 3 + c ** 3 == n:
print(n) #使用yield写法
def narcissus_yield():
m, n = 100, 999
while m <= n:
a, b, c = m // 100, (m // 10) % 10, (m % 100) % 10
if a ** 3 + b ** 3 + c ** 3 == m:
yield m
m = m + 1 #包含水仙花等。。。
def narcissus_all(min, max):
if type(min) != int or type(max) != int:
msg = "参数类型必须为int"
raise TypeError(msg)
if min is None or max is None:
msg = "参数值不能为None!!!"
raise ValueError(msg)
if max == 0 or max < min:
msg = "max不能为0或者max必须比min值大"
raise ValueError(msg)
length = len(str(max))
while min <= max:
temp_val, sum = min, 0
for n in range(length):
sum += (temp_val%10) ** length
temp_val //= 10
if min == sum:
yield min
min = min + 1 for n in narcissus_all(100000, 999999):


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