• 0 or 0x0: The operation completed successfully.
  • 1 or 0x1: Incorrect function called or unknown function called. (did you use the correct start in folder and/or environment path for the bat/exe?)
  • 2 or 0x2: File not found.
  • 10 or 0xa: The environment is incorrect.
  • 0x41300: Task is ready to run at its next scheduled time.
  • 0x41301: Task is currently running.
  • 0x41302: Task is disabled.
  • 0x41303: Task has not yet run.
  • 0x41304: There are no more runs scheduled for this task.
  • 0x41306: Task is terminated.
  • 0x8004130F: Credentials became corrupted (*)
  • 0x8004131F: An instance of this task is already running.
  • 0x80070002: Basically something like file not available (2147942402)
  • 0x8007010B: Action 'start in' directory can not be found.
  • 0x800704DD: The service is not available (is 'Run only when an user is logged on' checked?)
  • 0xC000013A: The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C.
  • 0xC06D007E: Unknown software exception.


在Windows 10上有一个在上述列表中不存在的code:“操作员或系统管理员拒绝了请求。(0x800710E0)”


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