
参考资料: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Sitemap/samplerecord.html

The GenBank database is divided into 18 divisions:
  1. PRI - primate sequences
  2. ROD - rodent sequences
  3. MAM - other mammalian sequences
  4. VRT - other vertebrate sequences
  5. INV - invertebrate sequences
  6. PLN - plant, fungal, and algal sequences
  7. BCT - bacterial sequences
  8. VRL - viral sequences
  9. PHG - bacteriophage sequences
10. SYN - synthetic sequences
11. UNA - unannotated sequences
12. EST - EST sequences (expressed sequence tags)
13. PAT - patent sequences
14. STS - STS sequences (sequence tagged sites)
15. GSS - GSS sequences (genome survey sequences)
16. HTG - HTG sequences (high-throughput genomic sequences)
17. HTC - unfinished high-throughput cDNA sequencing
18. ENV - environmental sampling sequences


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