Data Services:

  SOAP Endpoint REST Endpoint

Assign Records

Retrieve Metadata

Execute Messages

Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete records.

Associate and Disassociate records

 Service URL  [Organization URL]/xrmservices/2011/organization.svc  [Organization URL]/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc
 Limitations Messages that require the Execute method cannot be performed.

Associate and disassociate actions can be performed by using navigation properties.

Authentication is only possible within the application

The OData protocol is not fully implemented. Some system query options are not available.

cannot use late binding with managed code with Silverlight.


Discovery Service:


The IDiscoveryService Web service returns a list of organizations that the specified user belongs to

and the URL endpoint address for each organization.

Service URL  [Server URL]/xrmservices/2011/discovery.svc  
Method IDiscoveryService.Execute DiscoveryRequest, DiscoveryResponse
Messages RetrieveUserIdByExternalIdRequest, RetrieveOrganizationRequest, RetrieveOrganizationsRequest  

Deployment Service

Capabilities Deployment service allows you to create solutions to take advantage of support for multiple organizations—also called multi-tenant support.  
Service URL [Server URL]/xrmdeployment/2011/deployment.svc  
Method Delete, Execute, Retrieve, RetieveAll, Update  


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