题目链接:HDU - 5206

Young F found a secret record which inherited from ancient times in ancestral home by accident, which named "Four Inages Strategy". He couldn't restrain inner exciting, open the record, and read it carefully. " Place four magic stones at four points as array element in space, if four magic stones form a square, then strategy activates, destroying enemy around". Young F traveled to all corners of the country, and have collected four magic stones finally. He placed four magic stones at four points, but didn't know whether strategy could active successfully. So, could you help him?
Multiple test cases, the first line contains an integer T (no more than 10000 ), indicating the number of cases. Each test case contains twelve integers x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4,|x|,|y|,|z|≤100000 ,representing coordinate of four points. Any pair of points are distinct.
For each case, the output should occupies exactly one line. The output format is Case #x : ans , here x is the data number begins at 1 , if your answer is yes,ans is Yes, otherwise ans is No.
#define inf 0x7fffffff
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const LL maxn=+; LL n,m;
struct Point
LL x,y,z;
Point (LL x=,LL y=,LL z=):x(x),y(y),z(z){}
typedef Point Vector; double Dot(Vector A,Vector B) {return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y; }
double Length(Vector A) {return sqrt(Dot(A,A)); }
double angle(Vector A,Vector B) {return acos(Dot(A,B)/Length(A)/Length(B)); } LL dis(Point A,Point B)
LL xx=(A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x);
LL yy=(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y);
LL zz=(A.z-B.z)*(A.z-B.z);
return xx+yy+zz;
} int main()
int t,ncase=;
while (t--)
int flag=;
LL len,len2,len3;
len=dis(a,b) ;len2=dis(a,c) ;len3=dis(a,d) ;
if ((len==len2&&len3==len+len2)||(len==len3&&len2==len+len3)||(len2==len3&&len==len2+len3))
len=dis(b,a) ;len2=dis(b,c) ;len3=dis(b,d) ;
if ((len==len2&&len3==len+len2)||(len==len3&&len2==len+len3)||(len2==len3&&len==len2+len3))
len=dis(c,a) ;len2=dis(c,b) ;len3=dis(c,d) ;
if ((len==len2&&len3==len+len2)||(len==len3&&len2==len+len3)||(len2==len3&&len==len2+len3))
len=dis(d,a) ;len2=dis(d,b) ;len3=dis(d,c) ;
if ((len==len2&&len3==len+len2)||(len==len3&&len2==len+len3)||(len2==len3&&len==len2+len3))
if (flag==) printf("Case #%d: Yes\n",ncase++);
else printf("Case #%d: No\n",ncase++);
return ;


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