
给定一个二叉树,编写一个函数来获取这个树的最大宽度。树的宽度是所有层中的最大宽度。这个二叉树与满二叉树(full binary tree)结构相同,但一些节点为空。


示例 1:


输出: 4

解释: 最大值出现在树的第 3 层,宽度为 4 (5,3,null,9)。

示例 2:


输出: 2

解释: 最大值出现在树的第 3 层,宽度为 2 (5,3)。

示例 3:


输出: 2

解释: 最大值出现在树的第 2 层,宽度为 2 (3,2)。

示例 4:


输出: 8

解释: 最大值出现在树的第 4 层,宽度为 8 (6,null,null,null,null,null,null,7)。

注意: 答案在32位有符号整数的表示范围内。


pproach Framework


As we need to reach every node in the given tree, we will have to traverse the tree, either with a depth-first search, or with a breadth-first search.

The main idea in this question is to give each node a position value. If we go down the left neighbor, then position -> position * 2; and if we go down the right neighbor, then position -> position * 2 + 1. This makes it so that when we look at the position values L and R of two nodes with the same depth, the width will be R - L + 1.

Intuition and Algorithm

Traverse each node in breadth-first order, keeping track of that node's position. For each depth, the first node reached is the left-most, while the last node reached is the right-most.

 class Solution {
public int widthOfBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
Queue<AnnotatedNode> queue = new LinkedList();
queue.add(new AnnotatedNode(root, 0, 0));
int curDepth = 0, left = 0, ans = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
AnnotatedNode a = queue.poll();
if (a.node != null) {
queue.add(new AnnotatedNode(a.node.left, a.depth + 1, a.pos * 2));
queue.add(new AnnotatedNode(a.node.right, a.depth + 1, a.pos * 2 + 1));
if (curDepth != a.depth) {
curDepth = a.depth;
left = a.pos;
ans = Math.max(ans, a.pos - left + 1);
return ans;
} class AnnotatedNode {
TreeNode node;
int depth, pos;
AnnotatedNode(TreeNode n, int d, int p) {
node = n;
depth = d;
pos = p;


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