ELK 安装配置简单,用于管理 OpenStack 日志时需注意两点:

  • Logstash 配置文件的编写
  • Elasticsearch 日志存储空间的容量规划

另外推荐 ELKstack 中文指南

ELK 简介

ELK 是一套优秀的日志搜集、存储和查询的开源软件,广泛用于日志系统。当 OpenStack 集群达到一定规模时,日志管理和分析显得日益重要,良好统一的日志管理和分析平台有助于快速定位问题。Mirantis 的 fuel 和 HPE 的 helion 均集成了 ELK。

采用 ELK 管理 OpenStack 的日志具有以下优点:

  • 迅速查询全局 ERROR 级别日志
  • 某个 API 的请求频率
  • 通过 request ID, 可过滤出某个 API 整个流程的日志



控制节点作为日志服务器,存储所有 OpenStack 及其相关日志。Logstash 部署于所有节点,收集本节点下所需收集的日志,然后以网络(node/http)方式输送给控制节点的 Elasticsearch,Kibana 作为 web portal 提供展示日志信息:


为了提供快速直观的检索功能,对于每一条 OpenStack 日志,我们希望它能包含以下属性,用于检索和过滤:

  • Host: 如 controller01,compute01 等
  • Service Name: 如 nova-api, neutron-server 等
  • Module: 如 nova.filters
  • Log Level: 如 DEBUG, INFO, ERROR 等
  • Log date
  • Request ID: 某次请求的 Request ID

以上属性可以通过 Logstash 实现,通过提取日志的关键字段,从而获上述几种属性,并在 Elasticsearch 建立索引。



ELK 的安装步骤非常简单,可参考 logstash-es-Kibana 安装,如遇异常,请 Google。


Logstash 的配置文件有专门的一套语法,学习的成本比较高,可参考 openstack logstash config 后,再根据自身需求改写:

input {
file {
path => ['/var/log/nova/nova-api.log']
tags => ['nova', 'oslofmt']
type => "nova-api"
file {
path => ['/var/log/nova/nova-conductor.log']
tags => ['nova-conductor', 'oslofmt']
type => "nova"
file {
path => ['/var/log/nova/nova-manage.log']
tags => ['nova-manage', 'oslofmt']
type => "nova"
file {
path => ['/var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log']
tags => ['nova-scheduler', 'oslofmt']
type => "nova"
file {
path => ['/var/log/nova/nova-spicehtml5proxy.log']
tags => ['nova-spice', 'oslofmt']
type => "nova"
file {
path => ['/var/log/keystone/keystone-all.log']
tags => ['keystone', 'keystonefmt']
type => "keystone"
file {
path => ['/var/log/keystone/keystone-manage.log']
tags => ['keystone', 'keystonefmt']
type => "keystone"
file {
path => ['/var/log/glance/api.log']
tags => ['glance', 'oslofmt']
type => "glance-api"
file {
path => ['/var/log/glance/registry.log']
tags => ['glance', 'oslofmt']
type => "glance-registry"
file {
path => ['/var/log/glance/scrubber.log']
tags => ['glance', 'oslofmt']
type => "glance-scrubber"
file {
path => ['/var/log/ceilometer/ceilometer-agent-central.log']
tags => ['ceilometer', 'oslofmt']
type => "ceilometer-agent-central"
file {
path => ['/var/log/ceilometer/ceilometer-alarm-notifier.log']
tags => ['ceilometer', 'oslofmt']
type => "ceilometer-alarm-notifier"
file {
path => ['/var/log/ceilometer/ceilometer-api.log']
tags => ['ceilometer', 'oslofmt']
type => "ceilometer-api"
file {
path => ['/var/log/ceilometer/ceilometer-alarm-evaluator.log']
tags => ['ceilometer', 'oslofmt']
type => "ceilometer-alarm-evaluator"
file {
path => ['/var/log/ceilometer/ceilometer-collector.log']
tags => ['ceilometer', 'oslofmt']
type => "ceilometer-collector"
file {
path => ['/var/log/heat/heat.log']
tags => ['heat', 'oslofmt']
type => "heat"
file {
path => ['/var/log/neutron/neutron-server.log']
tags => ['neutron', 'oslofmt']
type => "neutron-server"
# Not collecting RabbitMQ logs for the moment
# file {
# path => ['/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@<%= @hostname %>.log']
# tags => ['rabbitmq', 'oslofmt']
# type => "rabbitmq"
# }
file {
path => ['/var/log/httpd/access_log']
tags => ['horizon']
type => "horizon"
file {
path => ['/var/log/httpd/error_log']
tags => ['horizon']
type => "horizon"
file {
path => ['/var/log/httpd/horizon_access_log']
tags => ['horizon']
type => "horizon"
file {
path => ['/var/log/httpd/horizon_error_log']
tags => ['horizon']
type => "horizon"
filter {
if "oslofmt" in [tags] {
multiline {
negate => true
pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} "
what => "previous"
multiline {
negate => false
pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER}?%{SPACE}?TRACE"
what => "previous"
grok {
# Do multiline matching as the above mutliline filter may add newlines
# to the log messages.
# TODO move the LOGLEVELs into a proper grok pattern.
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:pid}?%{SPACE}?(?<loglevel>AUDIT|CRITICAL|DEBUG|INFO|TRACE|WARNING|ERROR) \[?\b%{NOTSPACE:module}\b\]?%{SPACE}?%{GREEDYDATA:logmessage}?" }
add_field => { "received_at" => "%{@timestamp}" }
} else if "keystonefmt" in [tags] {
grok {
# Do multiline matching as the above mutliline filter may add newlines
# to the log messages.
# TODO move the LOGLEVELs into a proper grok pattern.
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:pid}?%{SPACE}?(?<loglevel>AUDIT|CRITICAL|DEBUG|INFO|TRACE|WARNING|ERROR) \[?\b%{NOTSPACE:module}\b\]?%{SPACE}?%{GREEDYDATA:logmessage}?" }
add_field => { "received_at" => "%{@timestamp}" }
if [module] == "iso8601.iso8601" {
#log message for each part of the date? Really?
drop {}
} else if "libvirt" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate}:%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:code}:?%{SPACE}\[?\b%{NOTSPACE:loglevel}\b\]?%{SPACE}?:?%{SPACE}\[?\b%{NOTSPACE:module}\b\]?%{SPACE}?%{GREEDYDATA:logmessage}?" }
add_field => { "received_at" => "%{@timestamp}"}
mutate {
uppercase => [ "loglevel" ]
} else if [type] == "syslog" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:logmessage}" }
add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
syslog_pri {
severity_labels => ["ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "INFO", "DEBUG" ]
date {
match => [ "syslog_timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ]
if !("_grokparsefailure" in [tags]) {
mutate {
replace => [ "@source_host", "%{syslog_hostname}" ]
mutate {
remove_field => [ "syslog_hostname", "syslog_timestamp" ]
add_field => [ "loglevel", "%{syslog_severity}" ]
add_field => [ "module", "%{syslog_program}" ]
} output {
elasticsearch { host => controller }







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