










public DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(Directory directory, OpenMode openMode,
TaxonomyWriterCache cache) throws IOException { dir = directory;
IndexWriterConfig config = createIndexWriterConfig(openMode);
indexWriter = openIndexWriter(dir, config); // verify (to some extent) that merge policy in effect would preserve category docids
assert !(indexWriter.getConfig().getMergePolicy() instanceof TieredMergePolicy) :
"for preserving category docids, merging none-adjacent segments is not allowed"; // after we opened the writer, and the index is locked, it's safe to check
// the commit data and read the index epoch
openMode = config.getOpenMode();
if (!DirectoryReader.indexExists(directory)) {
indexEpoch = 1;
} else {
String epochStr = null;
Map<String, String> commitData = readCommitData(directory);
if (commitData != null) {
epochStr = commitData.get(INDEX_EPOCH);
// no commit data, or no epoch in it means an old taxonomy, so set its epoch to 1, for lack
// of a better value.
indexEpoch = epochStr == null ? 1 : Long.parseLong(epochStr, 16);
} if (openMode == OpenMode.CREATE) {
} FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
parentStreamField = new Field(Consts.FIELD_PAYLOADS, parentStream, ft);
fullPathField = new StringField(Consts.FULL, "", Field.Store.YES); nextID = indexWriter.maxDoc(); if (cache == null) {
cache = defaultTaxonomyWriterCache();
this.cache = cache; if (nextID == 0) {
cacheIsComplete = true;
// Make sure that the taxonomy always contain the root category
// with category id 0.
addCategory(new FacetLabel());
} else {
// There are some categories on the disk, which we have not yet
// read into the cache, and therefore the cache is incomplete.
// We choose not to read all the categories into the cache now,
// to avoid terrible performance when a taxonomy index is opened
// to add just a single category. We will do it later, after we
// notice a few cache misses.
cacheIsComplete = false;



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