Cesium入门4 - 创建Cesium Viewer

Cesium中文网:http://cesiumcn.org/ | 国内快速访问:http://cesium.coinidea.com/


var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');



  • Left click and drag - Pans the camera over the surface of the globe.
  • Right click and drag - Zooms the camera in and out.
  • Middle wheel scrolling - Also zooms the camera in and out.
  • Middle click and drag - Rotates the camera around the point on the surface of the globe.

  • 按住鼠标左键拖拽 - 让相机在数字地球平面平移。
  • 按住鼠标右键拖拽 - 放缩相机。
  • 鼠标滚轮滑动 - 放缩相机。
  • 按住鼠标中键拖拽 - 在当前地球的屏幕中间点,旋转相机。


  1. Geocoder : A location search tool that flies the camera to queried location. Uses Bing Maps data by default.
  2. HomeButton : Flies the viewer back to a default view.
  3. SceneModePicker : Switches between 3D, 2D and Columbus View (CV) modes.
  4. BaseLayerPicker : Chooses the imagery and terrain to display on the globe.
  5. NavigationHelpButton : Displays the default camera controls.
  6. Animation : Controls the play speed for view animation.
  7. CreditsDisplay : Displays data attributions. Almost always required!
  8. Timeline : Indicates current time and allows users to jump to a specific time using the scrubber.
  9. FullscreenButton : Makes the Viewer fullscreen.


  1. Geocoder : 一种地理位置搜索工具,用于显示相机访问的地理位置。默认使用微软的Bing地图。
  2. HomeButton : 首页位置,点击之后将视图跳转到默认视角。
  3. SceneModePicker : 切换2D、3D 和 Columbus View (CV) 模式。
  4. BaseLayerPicker : 选择三维数字地球的底图(imagery and terrain)。
  5. NavigationHelpButton : 帮助提示,如何操作数字地球。
  6. Animation :控制视窗动画的播放速度。
  7. CreditsDisplay : 展示商标版权和数据源。
  8. Timeline : 展示当前时间和允许用户在进度条上拖动到任何一个指定的时间。
  9. FullscreenButton : 视察全屏按钮。


以下代码是通过参数配置得到的viewer,该Viewer不带selection indicators, base layer picker or scene mode picker等组件。

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
scene3DOnly: true,
selectionIndicator: false,
baseLayerPicker: false



Cesium中文网:http://cesiumcn.org/ | 国内快速访问:http://cesium.coinidea.com/


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