publish: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics,2016
tasks:  predicting popularity of comments in Reddit discussions
     1\ graph-structured bidirectional LSTM (long-short term memory) which represents both hierarchical and temporal conversation structure.
     可以捕获层次和时间上的对话结构表示, 图结构的双向LSTM
the LSTM units include both hierachical and temporal components to the update, which distinguishes this work from prior tree-structured LSTM models.
     2\ the proposed model outperforms a node-independent architecture for different sets of input features. Analyses show a benefit to the model over the full course of the discussion, improving detection in both early and late stages.
  bidirectional tree state updates



When the comment-response links are preserved, those conversations can be represented in a tree structure where comments represent nodes, the root is theoriginal post, and each new reply to a previous comment  is added as a child of that comment.





之前的研究发现,反应结构和时间对预测受欢迎程度都很重要 , LSTM单元包含了更新的层次和时间成分,这使得本工作有别于之前的树结构LSTM模型。我们的模型利用完整的讨论线程来预测流行度.

By introducing a forward-backward treestructured model, we provide a mechanism for leveraging early responses in predicting popularity, as well as a framework for better understanding the relative importance of these responses.

2) proposed model
The proposed model is a bidirectional graph LSTM that characterizes a full threaded discussion, assuming a tree-structured response network and accounting for the relative order of the comments.
Each node in the tree is represented with a single recurrent neural network (RNN) unit that outputs a vector (embedding) that characterizes the interim state of the discussion, analogous to the vector output of an RNN unit which characterizes the word history in a sentence.
The RNN updates – both forward and backward – incorporate both temporal and hierarchical (tree-structured) dependencies, since commenters typically consider what has already been said in response to a parent comment. Hence, we refer to it as a graph-structured RNN rather than a tree-structured RNN.
In the forward direction, the state vector can be thought of as a summary of the discussion pursued in a particular branch of the tree, while in the backward direction
the state vector summarizes the full response subtree that followed a particular comment.
The state vectors for the forward and backward directions are concatenated for the purpose of predicting comment karma.
We anticipate that the forward state will capture relevance and informativeness of the comment, and the backward process will capture sentiment and richness of the ensuing
input gate, temporal forget gate, hierarchichal forget gate, cell, and output,




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