Hello World是不少人学习C++的第一项内容,代码看似简单,很多东西却涉及根本

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World" <<endl;
return 0;

第一行 预处理文件



#include <math.h>


// Standard iostream objects -*- C++ -*-

// Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details. // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** @file include/iostream
* This is a Standard C++ Library header.
*/ //
// ISO C++ 14882: 27.3 Standard iostream objects
#define _GLIBCXX_IOSTREAM 1 #pragma GCC system_header #include <bits/c++config.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <istream> namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
* @name Standard Stream Objects
* The &lt;iostream&gt; header declares the eight <em>standard stream
* objects</em>. For other declarations, see
* http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/io.html
* and the @link iosfwd I/O forward declarations @endlink
* They are required by default to cooperate with the global C
* library's @c FILE streams, and to be available during program
* startup and termination. For more information, see the section of the
* manual linked to above.
extern istream cin; /// Linked to standard input
extern ostream cout; /// Linked to standard output
extern ostream cerr; /// Linked to standard error (unbuffered)
extern ostream clog; /// Linked to standard error (buffered) #ifdef _GLIBCXX_USE_WCHAR_T
extern wistream wcin; /// Linked to standard input
extern wostream wcout; /// Linked to standard output
extern wostream wcerr; /// Linked to standard error (unbuffered)
extern wostream wclog; /// Linked to standard error (buffered)
//@} // For construction of filebuffers for cout, cin, cerr, clog et. al.
static ios_base::Init __ioinit; _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE_VERSION
} // namespace #endif /* _GLIBCXX_IOSTREAM */

第二行 命名空间

using namespace std;



The role of the namespace in C + + is similar to the relationship between directory and file in the operating system. Because there are many files, it is inconvenient to manage and easy to duplicate names. Therefore, we set up several subdirectories and put the files in different subdirectories. The files in different subdirectories can have the same name, and the file path should be pointed out when calling files.

C ++中名称空间的作用类似于操作系统中目录和文件之间的关系。 由于文件很多,因此管理不便且名称容易重复。 因此,我们设置了几个子目录并将文件放在不同的子目录中。 不同子目录中的文件可以具有相同的名称,并且在调用文件时应指出文件路径。


第三行 主函数

主函数也就是main()是一个程序的入口点,代表程序从这里开始,主要功能是程序的入口和程序的出口。通常我们还可以指定一个返回代码,然后退出(通常返回0,也就是return 0;)来显示程序的最终结果。main函数的功能大致类似于python中的

if __name__ == "__main__"

第五行 cout


第六行 return


return 0;  //函数执行成功
return -1; //函数执行失败
return 1; //函数异常退出



A:不是的,C++执行是statement by statement,以“;”结尾,如果愿意的话,把所有代码放在一行也行。乱序也成,比如下面这样:


  • #include<assert.h>    //设定插入点
  • #include <ctype.h> //字符处理    
  • #include <errno.h>     //定义错误码
  • #include <float.h>     //浮点数处理
  • #include <fstream.h>   //文件输入/输出
  • #include <iomanip.h>   //参数化输入/输出
  • #include<iostream.h>   //数据流输入/输出
  • #include<limits.h>    //定义各种数据类型最值常量
  • #include<locale.h>    //定义本地化函数
  • #include <math.h>     //定义数学函数
  • #include <stdio.h>    //定义输入/输出函数
  • #include<stdlib.h>    //定义杂项函数及内存分配函数
  • #include <string.h>    //字符串处理
  • #include<strstrea.h>   //基于数组的输入/输出
  • #include<time.h>     //定义关于时间的函数
  • #include <wchar.h>    //宽字符处理及输入/输出
  • #include <wctype.h>    //宽字符分类


  • #include <algorithm>    //STL通用算法
  • #include <bitset>     //STL位集容器
  • #include <cctype>                //字符处理
  • #include <cerrno>     //定义错误码
  • #include <clocale>    //定义本地化函数
  • #include <cmath>     //定义数学函数
  • #include <complex>     //复数类
  • #include <cstdio>    //定义输入/输出函数
  • #include <cstdlib>    //定义杂项函数及内存分配函数
  • #include <cstring>    //字符串处理
  • #include <ctime>     //定义关于时间的函数
  • #include <deque>      //STL双端队列容器
  • #include <exception>    //异常处理类
  • #include <fstream>   //文件输入/输出
  • #include <functional>   //STL定义运算函数(代替运算符)
  • #include <limits>    //定义各种数据类型最值常量
  • #include <list>      //STL线性列表容器
  • #include <map>       //STL 映射容器
  • #include <iomanip>   //参数化输入/输出
  • #include <ios>      //基本输入/输出支持
  • #include<iosfwd>     //输入/输出系统使用的前置声明
  • #include <iostream>   //数据流输入/输出
  • #include <istream>     //基本输入流
  • #include <ostream>     //基本输出流
  • #include <queue>      //STL队列容器
  • #include <set>       //STL 集合容器
  • #include <sstream>    //基于字符串的流
  • #include <stack>      //STL堆栈容器    
  • #include <stdexcept>    //标准异常类
  • #include <streambuf>   //底层输入/输出支持
  • #include <string>     //字符串类
  • #include <utility>     //STL通用模板类
  • #include <vector>     //STL动态数组容器
  • #include <cwchar>    //宽字符处理及输入/输出
  • #include <cwctype>    //宽字符分类





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